It began with three young boys and ended with a mass dive into the fountain of Piazza Bra.
I heard a wild scream and saw three boys running towards the fountain, jumping the fence and splashing in the water. I couldn't fish the camera in my bag in time and started regretting the loss of one very good shot.
After a few minutes hundreds of students gathered around the fountain and splashed happily in the water... The scene became more and more hilarious and the happy mood was contagious. Two leading press photographers arrived (after me, I should say....!!) and snapped a huge quantity of photos. Many of the students run free and willing towards the water, while many were literally caught and thrown in; laughters, smiles, choirs echoed in the square.
There was an big amused audience behind me and all this lasted for a good twenty minutes until the police arrived on their scooters and the youngsters dispersed leaving puddles on the cobblestones and a big big smile on my face!