Showing posts with label Opera Festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opera Festival. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Waiting for Aida

Waiting for to go on stage next 19 june with G. Verdi's Aida, golden sphynxes rest right out of the Arena walls, under a hot sun.
Click here to see the Opera calendar and buy your ticket for an unforgettable evening at the Arena!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ready for Carmen, tonight!

Tonight, Bizet's Carmen will open the 87th edition of the Opera Festival of the Arena.
Lots of "vips" will be seated in the first rows and the theatre will be complete with people from all over the world...   Read more!

I want to thank all of you, my dear blogger friends who have followed me. Some have been with me from the start, some have joined along the way, some are totally new and, oh, I thank you so so so much for your kind words. Your comments and your blogs have inspired me and pushed me to do my best. I learnt a lot over these months and felt part of a community with real friends, not just names on a page. Some of them have become part of my "daily life" and, honestly, I wouldn't have thought that this could ever happen through the web!

Summer is here (more than 30°C...uff....!) and today it is my daughter's last day at school. Lately I have been taking less photos and been quite busy. We're preparing to leave for summer holidays back in my hometown on the beautiful Tuscan sea of Monte Argentario. Initially we'll be away for a week from sunday. Eventually come back for about ten days and then off again until the end of august. From today I will be more or less on/off, until I will be totally "off" when I will be in Argentario, as I doubt I'll have an internet connection.
I count to be back on track with Verona Daily Photo at the beginning of September. 
I will "knock on your doors" to say I'm back! 

Wishing you all a great summer and wonderful holidays!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting ready...for the Opera #2

I guess this will become a short series as the Arena is in complete turmoil and preparation for the beginning of the Opera Festival is well advanced.
I played a little with this photo, as you can see...  I snapped it a few days ago putting my hands through the wire net. Until a couple of weeks ago I couldn't have done this because high wooden panels shielded the works in progress. I wonder why they were removed as they came back just the other day and they will remain in place for the whole summer as this is the artist's entrance.
You can see the back stage and the pit stalls (the photo lacks of perspective, the theatre entrance looks nearer than it actually is...). 
The scenography is clearly Aida's!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting ready...for the Opera

In the last couple of weeks the activity inside the Arena has become hectic. Our huge roman amphitheatre is "getting ready" for the 2009 Opera Festival!

My RedBubble slideshow

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