Happy Friday!
Welcome to day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas, Giveaways.
If you missed day 1 and you're wondering what this is all about, be sure to check out all the details HERE and you're welcome to catch up and comment on the previous days. You can find links in the right hand sidebar.
I'm so glad it is Friday and as I am typing this school is out and the holidays have begun! I was hoping to be a little more organised and have ticked a few more things off my ever growing list, but Hey Ho! I'm sure all will come together.
I thought it would be nice to make today a Floral Friday and I have this card to share with you....
* As it is a giveaway the prize is open to participants worldwide. The item will be marked as a gift from me personally to avoid customs charges. An alternative prize will be offered if the winner already owns any of the prize offered on the day they win. You have until midnight Thursday 30th December 2021 to comment. Winners will be announced on the blog on Friday 31st December 2021.