Long time, no update, so this time it's massive.
If you identify with it, especially if you're coming up with new material, Colonel Kane's logo, to the right, is ready to use. If you do, consider giving him credit and adding Tales from the Maelstrom to your roll. The battle report the guys posted just before Christmas should be reason enough.
This time milestones, bad news and possible surprises, plus the usual wild cards at the end.
- As mentioned, Killzone v 3.0 is out after playtesting, with some thoughts up at A Gentleman's Ones and notes on the future at Galaxy in Flames.
- Big Jim also announced the TCP podcast and Bay Area Open narrative event, and posted on progress with the Soul Reapers - the codex is here.
- Rules Manufactorum has now gone in its original form, but been adopted by the renamed Casual Rules Bryssling of a Ruthless Mind Manufactorum.
- Sons of Taurus has now released Version 1.1 of the Codex: Lost and the Damned, and there are designer's notes and a sample army list up too.
- Sons of Taurus also introduced Ethereal's Projects, home to a fandex each for the Lost and the Damned, the Tau and the Sisters of Battle, and today linked to the progress report at Rogue Trader on Codex: Squat Stronghold.
- At Warpstone Flux jabberjabber posted a power, Psychokinetic Sphere.
- Tallarn at still practicing_ posted the end of the planetary empires campaign with two more rules, Tremors and Pyroclastic Barrage; I don't think I've ever mentioned the 5 minute history series, but it's a great refresher.
- Gotthammer has been posting on Rogue Trader RPG at Collegia Titanica, with the superb Koronus Gazetter and a set of non-player characters.
- At GAME OVER Von and Lexington ponder the motives of the Necrons.
- Lantz finished another unit for the AdMech FanDex, the Caminus Priests, and converted a Skitarii Jetbike based on the Antenociti Workshop kit, while Sandwyrm at The Back 40K also likes Micro Art Studios minis.
- Pirate Viking Painting has solid conversions for generic Imperial infantry.
- Rictus at Recalcitrant Daze had this emplacement mentioned at FTW, here, has a CAD development of it here, and was also busy with the Ork looted wagons at BoLS, the highlight for me being this thorough guide.
- Also linked there at FTW was The Mentor Legion, focused on the chapter.
- Chris Swaine at Roll With It converted a fine Malakim Phoros from IA9.
- Spikey Bits ran a tank conversion contest and got some great entries, with this Tau titan arguably the most unusual, spectacular and controversial, while the blog as a whole is tipped by Lantz as a possible heir to BoLS.
- Hungry Ghosts has posted huge amounts since the last update, including a look at the HQ, the third appendix for Historia Squataticus and a space Skaven, plus three parts of a series on Bob Olley not-Squats, 1, 2 and 3.
- At 3++ Aueretious Taak posted a Tyranid army using classic miniatures.
- Dylan Gould has a mass of Necromunda gangers and some classic IG.
- Back at FTW, Ron talked about leaving the gaming aspect behind.
- ... there are 1, 2, 3 more 40K-themed sketches over at Spiky Rat Pack...
- ... and at Confessions... dwez has more classic pieces by Gary Herrod, ...
- ... while back on Squats and Tyranids, Curis at Ninjabread pointed out the Beardy Bastards web comic, and looked at use of orange in sci-fi...
... and both of those links could almost be wild cards, making me think the distinction might be blurring as time goes by. Here are the three that seem just outside this time.
- Atom Kid over at Maximum Rock & Role Playing is in the early stages of sculpting a Space Ork in 15mm, i.e. at more or less half the usual size.
- At Swords & Stitchery the prolific Needles holds a weird, retro sci-fi mirror up to the Imperium with this post, offering a setting concept for Rogue Space.
- And Sandwyrm, again at The Back 40K, looks at GW's half year results.
All related posts here get the 40K OSR? label, so you can keep up with what I see. If you think I've missed anything, go right ahead and leave the link to it in the comments.
Update: As usual I find one right away - Spyglass Asylum has a John Blanche mini.