Showing posts with label cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cards. Show all posts

Monday, 26 November 2012

Nor the battle to the strong (3)

Here's the third batch of cards for the substitute GM deck. In case you missed the first two, it's an attempt to get more colourful events into wargaming rulesets, but without the players needing an arbitrator. It follows up a discussion with Big Jim, but it's not aimed specifically at 40K, or any one system or setting, and it could fit tactical roleplaying too.

The first seven cards in the deck, i.e. Spill, Spark, Plume, Flaw, Gust, Lapse and Agent, can all be found here and there's a general approach to using the deck as a whole here.

The three in this batch cover a spectacular or horrific loss that affects morale, a flock of creatures being disturbed and relocating, as well as birdstrikes, and a slip, suspicion or disagreement that turns into internal conflict or mutiny, possibly even a coup attempt.

As with the earlier batches, this batch can build on the effects of other cards in the deck and bring new effects into play, making it possible to set up interlinked chains of events.

As ever, all feedback is welcome, and the blank card is here if you want to create more.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Nor the battle to the strong (2)

Back before 40K was officially cinematic again, I had a discussion with Big Jim - who's just posted the latest update to Killzone, for sixth edition - on the subject of a kind of automatic GM to get more unusual events into games without needing an extra person.

I posted the first three cards for a deck to do this, but for wargaming in general rather than just 40K, possibly also tactical roleplaying. The idea is that the cards interact with and modify various game elements, to set up chains of events. With the first trio - Spill, Spark and Plume - flammability could be added to the table and elements set smoking.

Below are four more - Flaw, Gust, Lapse and Agent - adding new interactions involving smoke, as well as disorientation and the possibility a unit can be seen as compromised.

A general approach to using them is given in the original post. Now there are more, it's worth mentioning the deck can be modified to suggest certain situations, by removing cards or using multiples. For example, more Gusts or Sparks could suggest a storm.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The race and the swift

If you want to get cracking on the wargame deck from yesterday's post by writing your own cards, here's a blank. It's the same size; just click on it.

Feel free to print them all out, but I'm interested in hearing about whatever it is you come up with.

If you're wondering about the titles, they're from Ecclesiastes; I might use the first for the deck.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Nor the battle to the strong (1)

You might remember a while back I linked to a post Big Jim wrote at Galaxy in Flames on the wow factor and GMs in 40K, and the discussion we had in the comments on creating a kind of automatic GM for players who want more unusual action in games.

This is a start on one possible approach, three cards for a deck of interlinked cinematic events. Although the original discussion focused on 40K, I've generalised here, aiming to make it compatible with a range of wargames, hopefully with very little adapting in-game.

As you'd imagine, the idea is that each player has a hand of cards and is able to play a given number per turn, applying each to a target listed below the title, with some targets created by the deck itself. You can see how Spill creates a new element for interaction, which is also a target for Spark, and Spark in turn creates one for cards like Plume.

To make things more reasonable, it could be that it a vehicle can only be targeted when it moves, a weapon when it fires etc. and depending on the game, the weapon can be a heavy weapon or artillery piece only. The wording of the cards also allows for effects to be selected via a table when a potential target acts, but that's all still to be worked out.

One obvious point to make re Spill and Spark is that they are less suitable for settings pre-black powder or combustion engine. In cases like this, Spill would be best dropped and Spark could have the weapon and vehicle target options struck out on the card. As the deck grows, there should be ever more cards suitable for a fuller range of settings.

I can see it borrowing not only from the death scene post, but also the living objectives idea for 40K and maybe even the ever-present, still open Getting out of the boat project.

All feedback welcome - I recommend reading the discussion over at Big Jim's as well.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Who's in charge here? (2)

Two more cards for the deck of leader types, as well as a piece of flash fiction to tie in, for last week's Expansion Joints; Jennie's back and busy, and this week's is already up. The word to use last time was present and the narrative has to be 15 words max.

"On your feet, scum! An officer's present."
"No, sir, you're past. We voted you out."

The cards are aimed at capturing the flavour of traditional and radical without suggesting any specific method being used by the leader. The traditional is assumed to be low-key, but relatively safe, working against extremes, with the radical more explosive and riskier, but the assumption being made that both can be learnt by other parties if dramatic.

More importantly, the traditionalism and radicalism are not necessarily in conflict, don't simply cancel each other, and can be complementary, even overlap. Just like in real life.

The suggested use of the deck is in the first post. A new concept introduced with this pair is 'area of influence', which I'm assuming to mean the area over which leadership extends in mechanical terms in-game, perhaps to a single unit in the case of a squad leader, a given radius in the case of a hero, or an entire force in the case of a general.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Who's in charge here? (1)

Following up the discussion on relations between leaders in games, I've put together a couple of cards for a more specific deck. They're based on the fundamental laws of a fictional universe, but less vaguely worded given they're aimed mainly at wargaming.

It's all pretty self-evident. These are themed around feedback and improvement, one of the areas worth looking at. There's not much can be done with two, but the fundamental laws deck is already up to 17 cards and this set should be built up over time as well.

When it does get bigger I'd suggest dealing one card per leader at the start of the game, from unit leader up, but excluding the overall commander as the cards work relative to that position, to suggest imperfections in transmission, wherever the fault lies. The idea with the entry roll on Critic for example is the fact that the overall commander may or may not want that particular person close by, even if the advice given is good. For less impact on the result or the flow of the game, they could be dealt to higher ranks only.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (9)

A bit of Labyrinth inspired this, a new card for the fundamental laws deck, no. 17. It's not as unusual a concept as some of the others in there, but could still get pretty weird.

It's left up to the players to decide how weird exactly, and which approach to dimensions to go with. For anyone wanting to go off on a tangent in more general terms too, have a browse of the whole deck for ideas. Most of what you need to know to use it is here.

Monday, 14 March 2011

I like pi too

Something for today. Far too late though - it really should have been posted at 3:14 pm.

All you need to use it is here, except the rest of the deck so far, which is here. We're up to 16 now, passing a likely magic number for the pdf, but there'll be another along.

A geomorph too. I've never seen one with such a large circular room that I remember, and the columns ought to make it even more fun. I still have no firm idea of the correct proportions so I'd be grateful for any guidance. If you're looking for a pattern, there are three rings, represented by what could be thought of as points, in one room, and with four central, but after that it definitely breaks down.


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (8)

This one is right for the recent challenge and changes. We can do it all ourselves.

All you need to use this is here, along with links to the others. I've looked at putting them into a pdf as suggested. This makes 15 and that might be the magic number.

Update: Maybe, but there's now another card, here, in a post outside the series.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (7)

Two more fictional universe cards for gaming, these inspired by the last triffle and the exchange with Paul's Bods on spiralling craziness. These still don't go quite far enough for my liking so the 'Getting out of the boat' series will hopefully find space for more.

This time too, see if you can identify the sources of the quotes in the titles.

If you like the idea, some of the previous cards in the series are just as weird or weirder. There are 12 more - two here, two more here, one here, four here, one here and two here. I'm claiming no copyright on any of them. 

All of the supplementary information then, copied, pasted and updated from the last, but also reorganised and expanded with a suggested procedure, after meandmythinkingcap asked about this in the comments to the last.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (6)

Two more fundamental laws cards, inspired by recent posts on identity, especially the discussions of naming in fiction and of ourselves, the arrival of the Grey Knights and the nature of choice, specifically re the D2, but also the deep thought on the nature of life.

As ever, I challenge you to identify the sources of the quotes in the titles. I think it's a little trickier this time than usual.

The usual supplementary information now, copied, pasted and updated from the last.

If you missed the earlier cards (ten in total - two here, two more here, one here, four here, and one here), the idea is to allow the big events of fiction into your games, to break down the barriers in how we define game types, to identify recurring tropes as the first step to moving beyond them, possibly by making them so familiar we've had all we can take, and even to recognise both us in the game and the scope of fiction.

The aim is to have them useable in both wargames and roleplaying games, and ideally any game type. They're unlikely to be anywhere close to balanced, and could have effects dramatically different across systems, but that's part of the fun. Dare you risk it? Definitions are in the first instalment. I'm claiming no copyright on any of the cards.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (5)

A new fictional universe card, inspired by the continuing discussion at the D1 post, where it seems we've defined the D0, D1 and fractional dice, but not yet negatives.

As before, naming the movie quoted in the card title is the extra challenge.

If you missed the earlier cards (two here, two more here, one here and four here), the idea is to allow the big events of fiction into your games, to break down the barriers in how we define game types, to identify recurring tropes as the first step to moving beyond them, possibly by making them so familiar we've had all we can take, and even to recognise both us in the game and the scope of fiction.

The aim is to have them useable in both wargames and roleplaying games, and ideally any game type. They're unlikely to be anywhere close to balanced, and could have effects dramatically different across systems, but that's part of the fun. Dare you risk it? Definitions are in the first instalment. I'm claiming no copyright on any of the cards.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (4)

It's been a while since I made up any fictional universe cards, so here are four more, inspired by the amazing response to the list of portals, and the concepts involved, especially time travel and dimensions.

For anyone who missed the earlier instalments (two cards here, two more here and one here), the point is to allow the big events of fiction into your games, to break down the barriers in how we define game types and to identify recurring tropes as the first step to moving beyond them, possibly by making them so familiar we've had all we can take.

To these three I'm adding a fourth, also inspired by talk of other worlds: recognition of us in the game, and of the scope of fiction. The final card in this batch deals with this.

The idea is they work with any game type, but especially with wargames and roleplaying games. I know they're not balanced and the effects can vary dramatically from system to system. The unevenness is part of the fun - think of them like badly-made dice. The definitions are in the first instalment. I'm claiming no copyright on this batch either.

You can have fun guessing the source of the quotes in the titles too.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (3)

Linked with the ongoing and perhaps endless discussion of breaking the mould, if you're a 40K player - and especially a 40K roleplayer - you might be interested in what JB at B/X BLACKRAZOR has to say on Stars Without Number.

On the subject of settings, but fantasy, and for D&D in particular, I direct you to some thoughts on essences at the stimulating Gorgonmilk. Have a good look around the blog while you're there - it's a breeding ground for the less than usual.

As for the fundamental laws of fiction, here's another card for the deck. The first two are here, and the next here. The latest is to get some interaction going among the cards themselves. There's no copyright on this either for the same reason as before.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (2)

There's a bold venture on the cards at Ostensible Cat and I'm behind it all the way. It's clear Johnathan wants not just a new game, but a new kind of game, one breaking new ground. It must be possible. For an existing game that doesn't necessarily fit the mould, see Harald's review of Itras by at The Book of Days. Synapse looks very promising too.

How would this affect those fundamental laws of a fictional universe? Well, I'm not sure they'd be so easy to lose. They're extensions of our nature after all, our expectations of a story and our willingness to pay with time and money, whether it's a story in cinema, literature or gaming. To change those expectations and that willingness we have to change ourselves. A noble mission, and not such a strange one at this time of year.

Here then are two more cards for the growing deck. The aim is manifold: first to allow the big events of fiction into your games; second to break down the barriers in how we define game types; third to identify recurring tropes as the first step to moving beyond them.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Fundamental laws of a fictional universe (1)

Here's something I've been tinkering with, but which I realise now will never be properly finished, except perhaps with your help. The stakes are high - the nature of reality.

Not such a long time ago at a blog not so far away, the The Angry Lurker put up this image of Luke's proton torpedoes entering the Death Star. As I mentioned later at the D6 post here, my comment was this: "It's a fundamental law of a fictional universe. You can't get round that kind of thing." At the D6 post I explained the thinking by saying "that is what we're talking about here - fictional worlds. A DM/GM and players may not be operating at high magnifications, and may not need to. I'd argue the range of options we expect in any given situation - and are happy to be given - are fewer than we'd think."

Since then I've come across the idea in all kinds of places, notably in the prototype mashup machine at The Lost Continent and in some thoughts on fantasy tropes at The Ostensible Cat. Cyclopeatron has just covered major influences, and the list is worth exploring. I was recently introduced to Seventh Sanctum and that site does this kind of thing very well - you might need your imagine much less for knowing about it.

Anyone playing a game has an interest in fiction, inspired by cinema and literature or not. Even in a real world setting, gaming is telling a story. Many systems allow for dramatic moments of the X-wing / Death Star kind, but others don't make it easy, or allow it only rarely, perhaps even accidentally. To make it more possible that some of our universal expectations occur, I've put together a simple card-based supplementary system. This something that exists in many games of course, but in going about it, I had in mind the strategy card system from the second edition of Warhammer 40,000. The idea is that each player is dealt one or more cards at the beginning of the game, which are then kept secret and played at an opportune moment, as directed by the card.