If you do, please credit Kane and think about adding Tales from the Maelstrom to your blogroll, for reasons that will be clear; there's an excellent rogue trader bridge crew up at the moment.
It's a varied week, with a good mix of rules, fiction, modelling and suggestions.
- Master Bryss at Rules Manufactorum has encouragement and a full example - disciples - for creating new troop types.
- Lantz announces the four-strong writing team for the AdMech FanDex.
- One of the team, Commissar Carrie at Inquisitork has been productive, putting out two new instalments for Radical - Rain and Resurrection - this week, with a new menace, well-adapted combat and some strong language.
- At Warp Signal James S also wrote some background for key characters, heroes of Iybraesil, inspiration for some painting.
- Back to the adeptus mechanicus with Mordian 7th Regiment's battle report over gorgeous terrain; the set-up and advice on the same was here.
- There's more great terrain in the first part of a battle report with an alternative approach to deployment from Brian at A Gentleman's Ones.
- Staying with battle reports, Warpaintguy played his first games with Orks, using Killzone no less, three battles altogether.
- Over at Warpstone Flux jabberjabber has the last of the five horsemen of Chaos, with Slaanesh, Tzeentch and the icon bearer now complete.
- Rictus at Recalcitrant Daze has a converted Trojan recovery vehicle.
- Apocalypse 40K shows a conversion of a current rhino to the original pattern, a potential kit, and plans for an Epic space marine lander in 40K.
- CounterFett at All Things Fett has a suggestion for an alternative to the standard terminator design, borrowed from Dust Tactics.
It's worth mentioning too that Von has moved GAME OVER to Wordpress, and the new address is http://kaptainvon.wordpress.com/. His week takes in the key events, first the Blogger outage and then the Games Workshop news - his discussion of new army choice gave way to a decision to limit GW gaming to the Specialist Games.
At Galaxy in Flames too Big Jim too tells us he'll be playing some Battlefleet Gothic.
You might also like to know that Miniature Wargame Conversions has compiled a list with links to online activity inspired by the dissatisfaction with GW's behaviour.
At Galaxy in Flames too Big Jim too tells us he'll be playing some Battlefleet Gothic.
You might also like to know that Miniature Wargame Conversions has compiled a list with links to online activity inspired by the dissatisfaction with GW's behaviour.