Showing posts with label Killzone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Killzone. Show all posts

Friday, 28 September 2012

Nor the battle to the strong (2)

Back before 40K was officially cinematic again, I had a discussion with Big Jim - who's just posted the latest update to Killzone, for sixth edition - on the subject of a kind of automatic GM to get more unusual events into games without needing an extra person.

I posted the first three cards for a deck to do this, but for wargaming in general rather than just 40K, possibly also tactical roleplaying. The idea is that the cards interact with and modify various game elements, to set up chains of events. With the first trio - Spill, Spark and Plume - flammability could be added to the table and elements set smoking.

Below are four more - Flaw, Gust, Lapse and Agent - adding new interactions involving smoke, as well as disorientation and the possibility a unit can be seen as compromised.

A general approach to using them is given in the original post. Now there are more, it's worth mentioning the deck can be modified to suggest certain situations, by removing cards or using multiples. For example, more Gusts or Sparks could suggest a storm.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

40K OSR? (19)

What's a 40K OSR? There's some basic info on 40K here and a definition or two for 'OSR' here.

Colonel Kane's logo is to the right, and ready for anyone who identifies with the idea. If you use it, consider giving him credit and adding Tales from the Maelstrom to your blogroll for the inspiration.

Like the Inq28 battle report posted yesterday, which also has news on a July event at GW HQ.

Here's the list, with a lot of new rules especially.

        The usual applies: if I've missed anything at all, just leave a link, even to your own posts.

        Wednesday, 21 March 2012

        40K OSR? (18)

        The latest 40K OSR? update. What's an OSR?

        Could be an Old School Renaissance, an Other School Renaissance or even an Optional School Renaissance, or not, and maybe the 'R' stands for 'Review', 'Revolution' or 'Revelation'. Maybe...

        Colonel Kane's logo is to the right. If you use it, consider giving him credit and adding Tales from the Maelstrom to your blogroll for the inspiration.

        Here we go then - even more of that inspiration.

            If I've overlooked anything this time round, feel free to leave a link - even your own work.

            Update: I missed Ron's post at From the Warp on sculpting hair and beards, as well as this 28mm Inquisitor force at The Grim Darkness, of which there's even more here.

            Saturday, 14 January 2012

            40K OSR? (14)

            More 40K OSR?, and just a week from the last.

            I'm aiming to post smaller updates more often, with more wild cards, for non-40K gamers too.

            Some possible definitions of 'OSR' are here and Colonel Kane's logo is to the right. If you use it, consider giving him credit and adding Tales from the Maelstrom to your roll as a fine exemplar.

            On to the action then, with the wild cards mixed in, just because it really is hard to draw the line.

            • Sad news first: Tobias Reinold passed away; he may have been relatively unknown, but he gave us a lot and shows how much we can each achieve.

                        As ever, feel free to add links to anything at all you think I've missed in the comments.

                        Tuesday, 31 May 2011

                        A new Specialist Game?

                        I don't usually react to rumours. But I will now. Faeit 212 has reported the possibility there'll be a new GW Specialist Game released. That's big news for a lot of us I'd bet.

                        Apparently it's not a rerelease of Blood Bowl, Man O'War or Warhammer Quest, or even a supplement for Space Hulk. Then again why would it be a rerelease, not wholly new?

                        Perhaps wishful thinking, given some of our happiest gaming experiences might have been with the past games. I'd guess most players who've tried one or more of these, or Necromunda, Gorkamorka, Mordheim or Inquisitor say, have fond memories, and the 6mm Epic system was for a time near equal of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000.

                        Epic itself seems an unlikely choice. After all, we have Apocalypse nowadays, which has a similar scope with a higher price per model in real world currency. Warmaster seems unlikely for the same reason, if that's what the coming Storm of Magic means.

                        Surely the right answer is Killzone? A Necro-Gorka-Mordheim approach blended with wider 40K. It would offer a path into what many see as an increasingly costly hobby, quieting critics on price and simplicity and opening the door to new players, the future.

                        But then I thought, well, why do we need GW to release that particular game? We already have it. In fact, why do we need a company to release any game if we can just make it ourselves? A public limited company has shareholders to please as well as us.

                        I really can't answer that. Higher production values maybe, but personally I'd still prefer multiple smaller designers sourcing art or card elements than one large.

                        A wider player base? Well, we've been there - one guy picking up a less expensive game system can more cost-effectively run demos and get a group interested.

                        Future support? I don't see much for the Specialist Games. Pure passion seems a better guide to that. Look at the D&D OSR. That's what player love can do. They still have a whole community of new ideas, and revisions and releases, decades later.

                        Maybe love is all you need?

                        Friday, 6 May 2011

                        40K OSR? (4)

                        Warhammer 40,000, yes, but what's an OSR?

                        Could be an Old School Renaissance, or Other School Renaissance, even an Optional School Renaissance, maybe something else again. Could even be a Revolution, or another 'R'.

                        Don't forget there's a 40K OSR logo now too, here to the right, thanks to Colonel Kane over at Tales from the Maelstrom. If you identify with the concept, and especially if you're putting out alternative content or ideas, feel free to use it.

                        If you do use it, I'd ask only you credit Colonel Kane and think about adding Tales from the Maelstrom to your blogroll. Why? Take a look at the APC up now, have a browse.

                        This week's update then, and a good mix it is.

                        • Mordian7th also posted his robot maniple complete, with one each of the classic minis. If you want to convert some up yourself, try Lantz's latest tutorial. As complex as the old rules were, pure robot on robot skirmish games using an updated version of the program rules could be cool.
                        • This week I posted a new approach to 40K, designed to simulate hives and closed spaces. It looks complex because I try to cover as much of the translation as possible, but the core mechanism is simple.
                        • Finally, for a bit of reminiscing, try Dylan Gould's primed marines, which I can almost smell, and look more tempting than if they were painted by the greatest. Check out the whole blog in fact if you love the early days.

                        And that wraps up my list. If you've seen any other great posts, more alternative ways of looking at 40K, feel free to leave the links. The project's all about openness, variety and breadth. Carry it on at your own blog, do things your way, put cool new stuff out.

                        Remember the logo's available too if you want to promote the concept.

                        Update: This post at Blue Table Painting seems to fit, on a hypothetical minis game.

                        Friday, 22 April 2011

                        40K OSR? (2)

                        This is 40K. What's an OSR? Maybe an Old School Renaissance, maybe an Other School Renaissance, maybe an Optional School Renaissance, maybe something else.

                        Loquacious posted on the D&D OSR earlier today. Go read. Some passages:

                        ... these guys ... are helping the roleplaying/gaming community simply by having discussions. ... The OSR guys know their stuff, they like to talk about it, and in general, help grow a cottage industry when no one else is doing it. ... Being passionate about what you do, and getting others to join in - whether to agree or find fault- is something we as gamers could do more; and benefit greatly.

                        Not quite a manifesto, but very nearly, and great encouragement to engage.

                        Before we get to this week proper, if you haven't seen it, the discussion carried on at last week's post, on a DIY ruleset and the potential in Rogue Trader, i.e. first edition.

                        There was an update 1.5 on Monday too, here, with a link to the Tales from the Maelstrom battle report using RT rules, and Warp Signal's post on motivation.

                        Here we go then. Not so much in the way of rules this week, but lots of ideas and discussion. The bold links I recommend at least browsing.

                            • Still on minis, Colonel Kane left an interesting comment at a post here not directly related to 40K, re using other models in the game, names and all.
                            • Also, GMort wondered here at House of Paincakes what might be wrong with fifth edition, and the responses cover a lot of ground.
                            • Still can't stop thinking about Squats and/or Demiurg? Gyro at Mik' Minis gives us an update on progress with his Squat army, full of classic models.
                            • Re Warhammer, but still interesting, Shawn Gately at Blue Table Painting mentioned a proposal put at two of the forums, for a net standard rules adjustment. I'll try to find out what's going on with that and update. The Codex Project is an existing approach for 40K of course.

                              If I've missed anything, just say so in the comments, and leave any links you think are relevant. If you think anything should be said, just get it out. I'm just trying to help things, but I'm making no claim to any kind of leadership. The discussion at last week's post got to future direction, and for me it looks, and should be, completely open.

                              My first rules contribution is due on Sunday, the first of a series of guest posts at Roll With It. It's quite small, about as small as could be in fact, a variation on a familiar face often overlooked. Also, if you're having trouble getting excited these days, my first post there tried to get the sparks flying, and ought to be good for an idea or two.

                              Okay, I'm done - your time. Anything and everything very welcome.

                              Update: The Warhammer rules adjustment comment at Yes, The Truth Hurts is here,
                                           one up from the bottom; no response yet. I haven't found it at Beasts of War.

                              Update: Lantz has just put out a call at Miniature Wargame Conversions for writers
                                           and artists to help detail the Adeptus Mechanicus and Sons of Horus projects.

                              Update: Auberon at Digital Waaagh! has put up the latest interview, with Gav Thorpe.

                              Friday, 15 April 2011

                              40K OSR? (1)

                              An OSR for 40K? Might be a good thing. Not necessarily an Old School Renaissance. Better would be an Other School Renaissance or Optional School Renaissance.

                              GW's giving us a helping hand with the first, with the new Jokaero for example. But the essence of the others is doing it ourselves, and getting new ideas out there. And let's not forget, 40K's roots are in roleplaying and improvisation. Rogue Trader used a GM.

                              Let's follow up.

                              I propose a weekly compilation, or maybe compendium, when there's material.

                              Here's the first. If you play 40K, I recommend at least browsing all of the bold links. It'll take a few minutes max, and could be game-changing.

                              • This week we had Von's response at GAME OVER to the criticism of kill points - second-edition style missions. He has a table of six ready to go, an intuitive approach to victory and a set of rules for tournaments. It's a big tent.
                              • Auberon at Digital Waaagh! can always be relied on for good old school material. This week he has Ork madboyz, specifically frantiks. Here's the original. Politically correct it may not be, but that's how it was.
                              • I had my humble offering too, a suggestion for a pruning of the basic ruleset, and that got a bit of back and forth going a couple of days ago.

                              This week I was also reminded of Gotthammer's intriguing three-part discussion of updating 40K for the 21st century, which starts here, at Collegia Titanica.

                              So join in. Get under the hood. Get greasy and let's tweak this baby.

                              Update: I forgot Warpstone Flux's homebrew for the quantum cannon, and he's just
                                           posted more for daemon carriers, and he actually has far more homebrew
                                           and house rules at the blog than I thought, all here.

                              Update: Colonel Kane at Tales from the Maelstrom has just posted too, and those
                                           guys epitomise this, mixing up old and new. He has a question, about rules
                                           for getting hordes of less-detailed characters into Inquisitor. Can anyone help?

                              Saturday, 2 April 2011

                              Plan B: Killzone Secondary Objectives

                              Listen up, you lot. I take it you've all heard of b.smoove. Iron fist at A Gentleman's Ones. One of the masterminds behind Special Operations: Killzone. That's right, Killzone. Jobs like that don't finish themselves.

                              He's at a key location this weekend, running exercises. Keen eyes will spot him in this video, moving up at 12:18-12:37, hugging the terrain, and pulling out at 13:12-13:35.

                              Eyes back on me. Right. Open your files. That's the new pdf for Killzone, a selection of the best secondary objective and fate cards available. Twenty-six in all, picked out by a crack team. Two of the 13 secondary objectives are based on ideas I submitted, Beacon Transmitter and Lead from the Front. That's right: two. Watch and learn, rookies.

                              But I'm no glory hog - that's the crux. We have a problem, and maybe no one else can help. I submitted more than two. They couldn't use them all. Maybe. It's a blemish...

                              Five rejects then. Your mission: tighten them up. Do what it takes so they make the grade. Make them tough. Killzone players are the creme de la creme. They can take it.

                              Better still, suggest new, adapt them. The idea is to think outside the box, go beyond simple combat mechanisms, killing. That's getting old, and not before time...

                              I'll retire, dust the medals...

                              The region is unexplored and has the potential to harbour precious flora and fauna. Secure the area and allow scientific teams to collect.
                              If a Team Member finishes the game closer than an enemy model to any one table edge, you gain 5 Mission Points. You may gain a maximum of 10 Mission Points in this way.

                              A supply transport is inbound and arrival is imminent. A landing zone must be cleared.
                              If at least one Team Member finishes the game in contact with the table surface, but at least 12" from any and all terrain pieces, you gain 10 Mission Points. If less than 12", but at least 6", you gain 5 Mission Points.

                              Sacred rite
                              The time for supplication is near, to clear the mind and strengthen the arm. Perform the rituals. 
                              If at the beginning of any one of your turns at least three Team Members may be covered or partially covered by a blast marker, you gain 5 Mission Points. If in the subsequent turn, the same models remain covered or partially covered, you gain an additional 5 Mission Points.

                              An extensive subterranean network is known to exist in this area, and may be of great strategic value. Enter and begin the exploration.
                              If you remove any one Team Member from play at the start of your third turn, you gain 10 Mission Points. If you remove this model at the start of your fourth turn, you gain 5 Mission Points. This model must be removed before any other action is taken in the turn. It does not count as killed.

                              Innocent civilians have been caught up in the fighting. They are taking shelter and must be protected. 
                              If at the end of the game three different terrain pieces each have a Team Member closer than an enemy model, you gain 5 Mission Points. If four or more terrain pieces, you gain 10 Mission Points.

                              If you haven't yet, you can download Killzone for free via the graphic above the blogrolls.