Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fabric and Crochet Quilt!

While I was admiring pillowcases with crocheted edges yesterday, I found this elegant fabric/crochet quilt. It's from The Whoot in Australia. It looks like one-patch and four-patch blocks made like pot-holders, then bordered with a crocheted edge. The off-white roses are a very nice touch.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pillowcases With Crocheted Edges - Nice Gifts!

Good idea! Beautiful pillowcases with crocheted edges would make great gifts for my sisters. Lots more inspirational photos on Pinterest too. The photo above is from Polka Pics

And here's a good resource for making crocheted edges: The Finer Edge, Kristin Omdahl.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Yarn Bombing in Finland

Granny square afghans on the steps outside Helsinki Cathedral in Finland. According to FB comments, there were more afghans than they had room for on the steps. After this event, the afghans were delivered to hospitals, day care centers, convalescent homes, etc. Wow!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Pillowcases with Crocheted Edge

Found on Pinterest, these colorful pillowcases have charming crocheted edges. Have you noticed that these have become very popular on the Internet? Suddenly they're everywhere. So pretty.

Visit RoseHip for tons of inspiration.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Little Woodsman Crochet Boots

Take a look at the pattern for these very cute crocheted woodsman boots by Alana from New Zealand. Her shop is the Inventorium on Etsy.

Alana also offers a pattern for baby girl boots. Nice job, Alana!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Extended Granny Squares

Here's a great idea for crochet fans: make a row of granny squares, then extend them in both directions. If you know how to crochet granny squares, you can see how easy this is. Clever!

Visit the source for this colorful baby blanket at Buscand Comienzos.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Helle's Crocheted Coral Garden Hat!

This crocheted coral garden hat was made by Helle Jorgensen of Gooseflesh in Australia. She loves to witness the expressions of surprise people have when they first see it. Isn't this amazing? Go Helle!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Funky Crochet Art

Look at these hilarious slipper-boots! They're from Funky Crochet Art in New South Wales, Australia. The price is $50. I think the yarn would cost more than that. She also has some pretty amazing hats. 
I love stuff like this. It makes me want to make a quilt!

To see even more, click here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Erin's Little Shop of Crochets

Erin in California sells crocheted items in her Etsy shop called Little Shop of Crochets. What really caught my attention is her models! Haha, they are so full of energy and humor! 

Okay, one more. Can't resist. Haha.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Free-Form Crochet

On a recent car trip I decided to try my hand at free-form crochet, and these are the two pieces that resulted. I have to say that it was lots of fun. I don't have any idea what I'll do with them, but the fun of making them was worth it. My husband just shook his head. My 25 year old son said, "Oh, that's cool." Kids are so smart! Haha.

The chunky yarn is by Rowan. I love the colors and how soft it is. Using yarns of different thicknesses adds to the scrappy, shabby-chic look.
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Meet Prudence Mapstone from Australia!

Can you believe this? Freeform knitting and crochet! Prudence is from Brisbane, Australia and she sells her books, e-books and tutorials in her Etsy store: Freeform by Prudence. She also has some things there that she has knitted and crocheted. Her website is Knot Just Knitting, and her blog is A Scrumble a Week. I am so excited to find this! I love ceating as you go - you don't know what you're going to get until you're finished. Yayyy, Prudence!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Granny Square Pillows

What a beautiful riot of color! These pillows were sold on Etsy by Dutch Sisters Corry and Heleen. To see the pillows, you have to scroll down to "Shop Info" and  click on "Sales." What a nice job they did! One of these would look great in my quilt room. (My DH wouldn't want it anyplace else! Haha.)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pattern Available for Bearded Santa Hat

Remember the bearded hats post? Now Nedra from the Cactus Needle blog has found this bearded Santa cap. The pattern was offered for sale on Etsy by Sandy's Cape Cod Originals in baby, child, and adult sizes. You can see more incredible crochet patterns on her blog. Isn't this little baby hilarious? How about that curly corkscrew beard!

Friday, October 22, 2010

If I Only had a Brain - Hat

When my buddy Jill Bunis in New Jersey saw the Beard Hat post here a few days ago, she said "I see your beard hat, and raise it..." Is this hilarious, or what! :) Does anybody else think it should be gray? Or maybe I'm being too literal.

This hat was designed by Flint Knits. The pattern appears in the Sept/Oct issue of Crochet Today magazine. (This link goes to a pattern preview. The actual pattern appears only in the magazine.)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sarah London's Selvage Star Tutorial

Sarah London has a tutorial on her blog showing how to make this selvage star.

And if you love crochet, you'd better make a new cup of coffee before visiting her blog (and flickr page). I'm eyeing my crochet hooks right now.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Crochet Sculpture

When I saw these crocheted bowls on, from Jamie (a mixed media artist) in Montana, I wanted to show you right away. These bowls are so delicate, especially lit from behind like this.
I suspect they are doileys soaked in starch and dried over a bowl of the desired shape. Like crocheted Christmas tree ornaments.
Jamie tells the history of doileys on her blog. She has great photos of Montana on her blog too.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sarah London Crochet

I love to visit Sarah London's blog and see all her wonderful crochet projects. I want to try this one, but I'm not sure how to get started with the first row; a long chain? Anyone have any advice? Check out her blog at:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hexagonal Granny Squares

Lucy from the north of England shows us how to make these wonderful hexagonal granny squares. Her how-to photos are excellent, and she has written the directions in a conversational way that is fun to read. I'm going to try this.
Thank you to my dear friend Pam Stahl of who sent me this link.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarah London Will Teach You How to Crochet Now

If you've always wanted to know how to crochet granny squares or these little stars, take a look at Sarah London's blog: You are only 10 minutes away from knowing how! Her instructional photos are the best I've ever seen. You'll say ah-haa!

I'm on a crocheting/knitting binge right now. I'll post photos soon. I'm making prayer shawls and small blankets. The blankets are really crazy. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

200 Crocheted Granny Squares in a Month!

What do you do when you are stressed, or have a long ride in the car, or have to sit in waiting rooms, or get to go on vacation and watch action movies with the men in your family? Needlework of some kind, of course! I was stressed 5 weeks ago so I went to Michaels and bought 9 different colors plus dark brown for the borders. And two Size "G" crochet hooks. Always get a back-up hook! 200 blocks later, I'm not stressed any more. And we had a blast in Oregon, as you all know. Now I hope to attach all these blocks into a nice warm afghan.
My mother and her mother taught me how to make these "Granny Squares" a long time ago. How cool is that? I remember using the blankets they made, so this brings back nice memories.
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