Showing posts with label Quilting blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilting blogs. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bunny Selvages from Moda

This is a new fabric (coming soon) from Moda by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs. Isn't it pretty, and look at those color windows! I like the Bunny Hill logo on the left in the bottom photo too. Times are good for selvage quilters!
You can see Anne's blog at: Thanks to Marga for the heads-up on this bit of selvage news. Marga's blog is:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

May Britt's Little Selvage Quilts

These two little selvage quilts were made by May Britt of Norway. Aren't they creative? I especially like her stems and use of buttons. Also notice her use of fabrics with words incorporated in them, and words sewn into the backgrounds too. The quilt above has ribbon with little blue flowers, and the quilt below has a row of lace (touching the stem). Take a close look at the quilting on the flower below; isn't that clever?

The quilt in the top photo was exchanged with another quilter, and the one in the bottom photo was a challenge with two friends, Hanne and Bente. May's quilting friends are so lucky.
Visit May's blog at:
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Selvage Fashion

Diane's bangs were driving her nuts when she was trying to do some machine quilting, so she reached for a selvage and created this very cute hair-do! Are quilters smart or what?

Have you visited Diane's blog?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Zippered Selvage Purses

Ann Marie of Hillsboro, Oregon made all of these goodies to give as Christmas gifts: potholders, pillow cases, a quilt, and lots of zippered selvage purses. I like how each purse has a color you can coordinate with your outfits, of course! She says, "I am loving this selvage stuff!" She's making more now.

The blog address has a typo; if you correct the spelling, it won't work. Go to:

Check back here tomorrow to see an excellent tutorial for making a zippered bag!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

See Jeanne McBrayer's Great Big Tote Bags

Jeanne McBrayer of Wake Forest, NC saw the "Great Big Selvage Tote Bag" on this blog a while back, and decided to make her own non-selvage versions. Aren't they pretty? She's been quilting on a Gammill since 2003 and the quilting on these bags is gorgeous. I love how she adds a splash of color next to the black and white fabrics. She's giving these bags away as gifts.
To see more of Jeanne's projects visit her blog at: Um, Jeanne, what are you going to do with your selvages? We're just wondering:)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Font Fabric From Faraway Australia - Wow!

Shannon Lamden of Melbourne, Australia designed this fantastic fabric that she calls "Letterhead," and sells it on You can see more of her designs on her blog: The blog is quirky and creative. She links to
I'm curious to know what she wrote on these fabrics. I've noticed that people can't resist reading quilts. Wouldn't it be great to add bits of fabrics like these to scrap quilts? And you could use it in a selvage quilt too: just cut a strip, then fold over one long edge and press. Then use the folded edge as if it was the bound selvage edge. That would give your selvage quilt a nice "punch!"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Meet May Britt of Norway!

May Britt of Hedmark, Norway recently made this wonderful log cabin style selvage block. You can read more about her on her blog:

This is her first selvage block, which I think is remarkable. I made a lot of selvage quilts before I thought of arranging them like this! I guess she is a little more advanced than me! I can't wait to see what she makes next. She plans to make more, so we'll see. Nice job, May!