Showing posts with label Cindi Hatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cindi Hatch. Show all posts

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Miniature Quilt Cabinets by Cindi Hatch

Cindi Hatch made these beautiful cabinets for her friends. Here's the story in her own words:
"After I painted these, I sanded down some edges and antiqued them. I wanted a vintage look. Then I cut small pieces of cardboard and wrapped fabric around them to look like little bolts of fabric. I fan-folded fabric to put on the shelves. I didn't take time to put batting in them...I was in a hurry! Then I folded little squares of fabric and made miniature fat quarter bundles, and tied string around them. Instead of being miniature quilt cabinets...I guess mine are more like quilt store cabinets! I used hot glue to secure everything down. are the pictures. Thanks again for the idea. I had a lot of fun making them...and my quilting friends LOVED them!!"
Cindi lives in Utah and is the mother of 5 grown sons. She used to design quilt patterns for Tenderberry Stitches. Great job, Cindi! Now I'm inspired to do a more interesting paint job on mine.