Showing posts with label Sunday Garcia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday Garcia. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More Stunning Quilts by Sunday Garcia

Sunday Garcia of Tennessee has created some new amazing quilts!

Yes, this is a quilt, not a painting! She calls it "The Maddox Building." Read what Sunday says about how she got started:

"i took my first quilting lesson a year and a half ago. i went online to look up patterns and came across art and landscape quilts. i was hooked. i had never seen them before. where i live in Tennessee they are traditionalists. i was determined to learn how to make them. so i went online and bought several books. i read those books over and over. i emailed several of the authors with questions. one author in particular was so helpful. her name is Joyce Becker.she wrote the book "beautifully Embellished Landscapes. She took the time to email me and talk to me on the phone. i found her books to be very informative. my other favorite book is Coloring With Thread by Ann Fahl. It taught me how to machine embroider/decorative top stitch and free motion sewing. i decided i could do it."

I would say you certainly can do it! I am in awe!

Do you remember Sunday's other quilt that was featured here? Click on "Sunday Garcia" in the list of Labels below to see it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Meet Sunday Garcia of Tennessee

This wonderful quilt is on display at "The Most Amazing Quilt Shop" in Cookeville, Tennessee. It's the creation of Sunday Garcia, a customer of this shop. She started quilting only a year ago, but she had prior experience sewing clothes. (Even so!) Sunday is a retired Miami police officer. Wow! She is multi-talented! (See below for close-up photos.)

Aren't these details great? Even a little bottle of suntan lotion (below) near the sunglasses!

Wonderful job, Sunday!
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Sunday's Quilt, Part 2

Here are some more photos of Sunday Garcia's quilt. (See post above.) I love all the details.

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