Showing posts with label Wyatt Blair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wyatt Blair. Show all posts

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Recentish Finds: Wyatt Blair, Moondogs, Captain Wilberforce, Carlos, Dangüs Tarküs, Brat Farrar, daysee, Starwheel

Our Powerpopulist Acquisition Department has done a rather decent job of hunting down and stockpiling high quality, free and legally downloadable tuneage. Unfortunately our Distribution Department sucks. We'd fire his ass if that didn't entail the simultaneous elimination of the Acquisition Department. Anyway, here are some recent and fairly recent finds for your consideration. We might have to do some more posts of this ilk to catch up.

We also very much liked #2.

We liked #1 a lot, too. Thanks to dear friend Wub-Fur (aka "Bo") for the headsup on this Oakland band.

We also loved #3, 5, 7, & 8. Tip of the chapeau to Still in Rock for the headsup.

We also liked #2 a ho' ho' lot.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Poppy Post: Wyatt Blair, Pop Zeus, The Wellingtons, The Bingers, Beware Fashionable Women, Gleeson

We've been trying to think of a word-based intro to this excellent pop, but so far, this is it.

Lots of good ones on this Italian label's comp

An excellent self-selected comp, if you need introductions

Our fave from the latest Active Listener sampler

We wanted #1, but sometimes Bandcamp just will have its way. Powerpopaholic has the latest fashions.

We especially liked #20, too.
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