As noted earlier this week, I'm determined to become less dilatory in pointing you toward songs I like that are hosted by other blogs. Why? Most of them don't stay linkably hosted/posted longer than one to two weeks, so time is of the essence. Therefore. . .
Superdrag - Relocate My Satellites - I Am Fuel You Are Friends
Fleetwood Mac - What Makes You Think You're The One - The Cropper - You might just want to stay there and get the next one.
Fleetwood Mac - Farmer's Daughter (Beach Boys cover) - The Cropper
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Upside Down (Demo Version) – Worthless Trash
Seabear - Libraries - mp3hugger
The Ladybug Transistor - Always on the Telephone - Optical Atlas
Still Flyin’ - Sticking My Head in Ice Water (Almost for Too Long) - Optical Atlas