Showing posts with label Dot Dash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dot Dash. Show all posts

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Dot Dash & The Airplanes - A Sabbath-Day Jaunt

Symbiosis, wot?

We were enjoying our now-daily jaunt over to I Don't Hear A Single and followed Mr. Valentine's (oh, yeah, only 10 more shopping days until) helpful link over to The Beautiful Music site. There we found 18 free and legals, our favorite of which was by longtime D. C. faveband Dot Dash. You can sample and download the song there, but we also wondered if it might be at one of their Bandcamp pages. It was, and is posted below. 

Then we noticed that a Bandcamper we follow had liked the song, too, so we went over to her Collection and scrolled down. It wasn't long before we discovered a terrific song we hadn't heard by longtime Fayetteville, Arkansas faveband The Airplanes. And sure enough, it was available for name-your-price download.

That concludes the textual portion of this post, unless we think of something else to say, which is highly unlikely.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Dot Dash Send Us 5 / 5 / 5

We've been enjoying Washington, D. C. band Dot Dash for almost six years now and are delighted they are making available for free download an EP with one song from each of their five albums. Last time we sent them coded gratitude but this time we're just gonna come right out and say it: Khop Khun Mak Kha, ya'll!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Free Code from Dot Dash

We've been posting on D. C. poppers Dot Dash for several years now and got pretty danged excited when they told us they'd posted another freebie from their excellent LP, Earthquakes & Title Waves, dropped in March of this year.
 - .... .- -. -.- ... --..--  --. ..- -.-- ... .-.-.-  
(Copy and paste here.)

Click here for the free download.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dot Dash: Earthquakes & Tidal Waves

We've been enjoying D.C. powerpoppers Dot Dash for several years now and were pretty darned excited to get their email announcing a new LP just out on the Beautiful Music label. After listening to Earthquakes & Tidal Waves, we were Richter scalishly shaking in our booties. We in fact loved every song and mega-loved six of them (#s 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, & 9 below). Ten for ten doesn't often happen in these particular ears. Of course we weren't totally surprised, seeing as the LP was produced by one of our all-time favorite music men, Mitch Easter, and recorded at his Fidelitorium in North Carolina.

Although DD generously made song #3, "Rainclouds," available for free download, nervous and quivering and stuff, we officiously/humbly asked whichever Dot Dasher had written us if we might host 'n' post our very favorite from the LP. Hence our pleasure in planting "The Winter of Discontent" below. You need to know, though, that it can only be available for free download for one week. After that the link goes "poof." So here it is and below that is "Raincloud" and below that is a fabulous album we feel certain will be one of our very favorites of the year.

Dot Dash - The Winter of Discontent mp3
3-31-15, 4:13 P.M. - "poof"

Update: The ever generous Dot Dash have widgeted a freely downloadable file of "The Winter of Discontent." Bravo, guys!

Free download here.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bloom/Decay - A Dot Dash Freebie

Many thanks to Washington, D. C. powerpoppers Dot Dash for alerting us to the free download of the following tune from their 2013 LP, Half-Remembered Dream. You can catch them live tonight at The Black Cat in D. C. and in Rockville, MD on January 29, along with the B-52's. Their fourth, Mitch Easter-produced (!) LP is due out in January 2015.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Capital Tuneage from Dot Dash

Dot Dash - Color and the Sound

Dot Dash - Tragedy/Destiny

Dot Dash - Learn to Fly

Washington, D. C.'s Dot Dash is made up of former members of Julie Ocean, Swervedriver, and Modest Proposal (among others), all of whom we've hugely enjoyed.*** It's therefore not shocking we love what we're hearing by this new incarnation. The band got in touch with us late last week and kindly granted permission to post the songs above. If you like what you're hearing, click below and go exploring. The German imprint Edition 59 has their Hurrah EP, while their Soundcloud page has eleven more songs you can sample. Facebook we trust you know.

Facebook | Edition 59 | Soundcloud

***Terry Banks (guitar, vox), Bill Crandall (guitar), Hunter Bennett (bass), Danny Ingram (drums)
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