Showing posts with label Terry Malts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terry Malts. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Something About/By Terry Malts

These San Franciscans have really scary artwork on their EP covers, but their songs are way the other way in terms of delight. (I. e., we very much like-to-love.) Thanks to Ma and Pa Slumber for the headsup. Click them down arrows to, like, download.

Terry Malts - Something About You by Slumberland Records

Here's one we posted earlier.

Terry Malts - Distracted by Slumberland Records

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Terry Malts: Distracted

We could probably echo much of what Crawdaddy is quoted as saying about this San Francisco trio, but just go here to Slumberland and read it for yourself. Listen/download here or there, whichever you prefer. You can also hear and download more fine tunes at the Terry Malts Facebook page. We certainly did. BTW, we woulda/coulda used the I'm Neurotic EP cover picture, but since it kinda scares us, we "opted" for the above. (You probably already knew this, but click that down arrow down there to download.)

Terry Malts - Distracted by Slumberland Records
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