Showing posts with label The Hedrons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Hedrons. Show all posts

Friday, March 02, 2007

SXSW 2007, cont'd: Alternative Champs, Dirty Skirts, Hedrons, Melismatics, Oxford Collapse

Oh, yeh, I've still got some SXSW bands yet to post. I just don't know how you're taking to the whole SXSW gig I've been doing and don't want to overdo it. I remember liking Capetown's The Dirty Skirts (pic) and pointed visitors toward the excellent The Muso because I didn't have a link. Now I do, so voila. The Hedrons are not covering AC/DC here, but that's okay, they're sufficiently hot. As for Oxford Collapse, I don't often go for the amusical hyperscreech so beloved of many indie bloggers, not to mention the overlong intro, but the rootsy guitar riffs pull this one back from the edge. Well, santa caca, look at me just opining away like I'm a real blogger or something. Ya basta.

Alternative ChampsMonkey Boy mp3
The Dirty SkirtsFeeling the Pressure mp3
The HedronsHeatseeker mp3
The MelismaticsIndustry of Cool mp3
Oxford CollapsePlease Visit Your National Parks mp3
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