Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts

Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin Polyvinyl Celebration

A music friend recently asked us what our favorite LPs were during Calendar 2015. We of course included the superb The High Country by Polyvinyl artists Phil, Will, Tom, and Jonathan, perhaps better known as Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. SSLYBY have been popping up at our blog since early days, and they certainly got us soaring with THC.

We wanted our friend to be able to experience THC in its entirety and found it available at Bandcamp. But holy shiksa what else did we find but a veritable treasure trove of Polyvinyl product, both for sale and for name-your-price download!

So here's what we're doing. First we gather our favorite widgeted SSLYBY nypers, post 'em, and then round up some of our other favebands for a second, maybe even third post. Even before all that, though, we pop in an old-fashioned mp3 of a fun collab by SSLYBY & another long-time faveband, Telekinesis. It was posted here, but the other songlinks have gone "poof" and you certainly don't want to go read our blather. So, ready? Left click to listen, right click to Save as. . ..

Oh, yeah, and here's the fabulous THC. Buy buy, seeya soon.

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