Showing posts with label The Primitives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Primitives. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Soul of Wit: Shalini, Mitch Easter, Marmalade Souls, AM Syndicate, Libertines, Primitives

The family that plays together. . .
When I have to be brief I'm never sure whether to apologize or say, "You're welcome," but it's post and run this time, or rather, crawl to sleep. We open with a nice couple (pic) and take it from there.

Shalini - White Widow mp3
Mitch Easter - I Want a New Scene mp3

Marmalade SoulsIt Won’t Be Too Long mp3
Fall Into the Sky mp3

AM Syndicate - The Neighbor and His Wife mp3
The Libertines - Time For Heroes mp3

The Primitives
Across My Shoulder (Andy Kershaw Session) mp3
Crash (95 Mix) mp3

Click green names for additionals.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Around the Blogosphere: Beatles, R.E.M., Primitives, Church, Midnight Oil, Split Enz, a-ha, Ramones, Earlimart, Apples in Stereo, Built to Spill, etc.

I wanted to say a little something about this Around the Blogosphere series. I only do it to point you toward music I either already know and like or am newly discovering and like. I don't pretend to be hosting the music and only use the color coding to help you easily find the artists' names and to give credit to the generous bloggers who are hosting it. My thought always goes something like, "This is good stuff. I'll bet some visitors to Powerpopulist might like it, too." So far no hosting bloggers have complained about my sending them more traffic, but I would certainly cease mentioning them at the drop of a word.

I have been very grateful to the excellent aggregator Totally Fuzzy for letting me update at their blog and by their leave will continue to do so, but only songs that are downloadable from my blog. (I do post such music here, even if lately it hasn't been all that obvious.) At the Fuzzy Crew's request I will no longer be updating the Around the Blogosphere posts at Totally Fuzzy. If you have found these posts useful, please continue to stop by Powerpopulist to see some of what's available in the big, beneficent blogosphere, mainly in the realm of powerpop and indie but also "whatever we like." (You might also consider subscribing to a feed by clicking that orange feeder thingy in the upper right-hand corner.) I totally respect Totally Fuzzy and will abide by the rules and vision under which they operate. I have found tons of great music at TF and look forward to continuing to do so. As indicated, I will also continue to post music downloadable right here at Powerpopulist. My only purpose is to put you in touch with music we all might like.

Soooooo, here's some of what I've recently found. As I've said before, I try and post this information soon after finding it because most of these hosted songs only remain posted for a relatively short period of time, usually one or two weeks. I envy the bloggers who have been able to work out arrangements with the artists and record labels who let them host the music. A score or so artists and labels have allowed me to do so as well, and perhaps the longer I blog, the more I will have opportunities to host music here.

The Beatles - Across the Universe - Retro Music Snob - One of my very most favorites by my very most favorites
R.E.M. - So. Central Rain & Fall on Me & Talk About the Passion & The One I Love - Retro Music Snob - + a couple more
The Primitives - Crash & Secrets & Way Behind Me - Retro Music Snob
The Church - Under the Milky Way - Retro Music Snob

Midnight Oil - King of the Mountain & Blue Sky Mine - Retro Music Snob
Split Enz - Six Months in a Leaky Boat - Retro Music Snob
a-ha - Take on Me - Retro Music Snob
Ramones - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow & Little Bit O’ Soul - Retro Music Snob
Ramones - We’re a Happy Family - Retro Music Snob

Earlimart - Answers & Questions - 5 Acts
The Apples in Stereo - Can You Feel It - BragginBilly
Built to Spill - Mess with Time - Instrumental Analysis
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - American X - Instrumental Analysis

Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Primitives

For two nights now I’ve been pretty much atwitter at discovering, a fansite dedicated to Coventry, England’s great 80s/90s band The Primitives. I found much there to enjoy, some of which I’d never heard before. I’m going to post in three installments: The Primitives, The Darling Buds, and the feellikes. The last is not a group per sè (notice: no green) but several groups whose feel, in the crashsiters' opinion, resembles The Primitives’. I'm posting a small selection of the many songs at crashsite. If you want The Primitives’ most famous song, “Crash,” (which got a lot of dubious exposure in the movie Dumb and Dumber) as well as the other tunes, please pay crashsite a visit. The other two installments will be posted shortly.
I know I probably don’t emote enough on this blog, but there really is some quite hot shite at crashsite. One reason I don’t emote much is because I won’t post a song here unless I like it. (I post, therefore I emote.) And I want you to decide for yourself whether you like it, free from excessive bloviating from me. (I at all times want to bloviate in precisely the right measure.) At times I can’t help myself, so thank you for putting up with it and me and such. I’ve kind of been wanting to say this for awhile, so thank you. I know, what are you gonna do, unread it? Sorry.

The Primitives
In My Dream mp3
Secrets (Demo) mp3
Way Behind Me (live) mp3

Purchase here.
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