Had we the words and skill to tell how much we love the following, we probably wouldn't anyway because writing about music is like dancing about Swan Lake.
We found that one and the next while sampling the most excellent Songdrop Psych Mix of musical cognoscenta, Debra47 (of Last, Twitter, Power Pop Review, and various other Social Media hotspots).
Free download here
Be sure and check out the rest of the excellent February Records Anniversary Compilation, if you, you know, want to. We also like this next one at the selfsame compilation. If you like it, 2, you might want to visit our previous post on this talented Bloomington tweester.
Pleasure to thank longtime visitor John B for the headsup on this pleasing popper (and the rest of The Match as well). And in case he reads this, I hope he's alert to the new one forthcoming from Ash, on to whom JB first turned us.