In a previous time it might have been called "waxy buildup." In the new era it's more like "a deluge of delightful digitals" a-crowdin' into the Powerpopulist Green Room. We hope you enjoy and maybe even want to download some or all of these recent finds at SoundCloud.
Access the Cardiff band here and here (additional free and legals).
Visit these Minneapolis gazers here and here.
B-b-but, pp, you said "SoundCloud." And "download." Lying son of a bachelor! Cálmate, chiclets. Click here for the free SoundCloudownloadable. And click here to hear their fabulous new LP, Days of Yesterday, just released last month. They're from L.A. and approachable at Facebook.
Visit the Redditch band here.
The L.A. veterans just dropped their 13th LP, Highs and Lows. Visit them here and buy it here.
And we noticed Fanatic is still making a longtime fave of ours available for free download.