- 1Department of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 2Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Department, Ferrara University Hospital, Ferrara, Italy
- 3Center of Neuromodulation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Stroke Rehabilitation: Recruiting Changes in Brain Activity to Induce Mobility Recovery
Cortical Activity after a Stroke
Stroke, due to the interruption of blood supply to the brain determining an acute neurologic condition (1),
is a major cause of disability worldwide, often resulting in limited
motor recovery in the paretic upper limb. Up to 75% of survivors
maintain an arm paresis even in a chronic stage, with substantial
limitations during participation in daily life activities (2, 3).
The hemiparesis, in which the movement ability is affected on a single
side, is due to the interruption of the motor signal through the
corticospinal tract (CST) to the spinal cord motor neurons. Stroke
research in humans is performed using techniques, such as functional
magnetic resonance (fMRI) characterized by an excellent spatial
resolution or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which explores
cortical excitability through the induction of an electromagnetic field (4) at a high temporal resolution. Animal models of stroke have been influential in describing functional map reorganization (5) via electrophysiology, pharmacology (6), and optogenetics (7, 8).
A stroke initiates a large amount of changes in cortical
excitability, connectivity (i.e., the synaptic wiring within and across
brain regions), and ultimately coding (i.e., the specific neural
spiking patterns that encode for movement are likely different after
stroke). These changes, although not completely understood, occur on
different time scales: some immediately after the injury and some are
slowly established on the course of months (the chronic phase). However,
times at which a stroke is considered entering the chronic phase, or
exiting the subacute phase, are not universally agreed upon. Since
measured changes in neural properties have been shown to affect the
chances of motor recovery (9, 10),
the design of effective neurorestorative approaches requires knowledge
of the mechanisms of brain injury and neural repair after stroke.
Early after a stroke, cell deaths results from several
biological pathways, including toxicity induced by excessive
excitability, ionic imbalance, inflammation, and apoptosis. In an early
response to stroke, several neurotrophic factors are upregulated, and in
the first 1–4 weeks local axonal sprouting, dendritic spine expansion
and synaptogenesis occur (11). In humans and animals, the affected brain areas (in particular the CST) show decreased activation in TMS studies (10), with concurrent activation of the contralateral cortex (12).
Such reduced activity is related to increase in GABAergic tonic
inhibition close to the lesion, which has been hypothesized to be
neuroprotective in the acute phase, to counterbalance the excitotoxic
cascade (13).
At the same time, fMRI studies show that bilateral activation in both
the ipsilesional (affected) and controlesional (unaffected) hemispheres
occurs, revealing the development of early cortical reorganization
processes (14, 15). These findings suggest that a damaged brain is still plastic and possibly amenable to be influenced by experiences.
In a chronic stage after stroke, a new functional
cerebral architecture is determined, based on several variables (side of
lesion, age, pre-stroke comorbidities). Since the disruption of the
cortical motor network triggers a major reassembly of inter- and
intra-areal cortical networks, it is reasonable that some of the
functions of the injured regions could be redistributed across the
remaining cortical and subcortical motor network in due time (12). In fact, several weeks after stroke, functional map changes are consolidated (16). Specifically, correlations between structural motor cortex connectivity and motor impairment (17) or fMRI activation in ipsilesional primary and pre-motor cortex and good upper limb recovery (15) have been highlighted, and impaired motor function seems related to persistent contralesional M1 activation (18).
Though a rebalance between hemispheres is considered a sign of good
recovery in chronic phase, whether such bilateral activation is adaptive
or maladaptive is still on debate (19, 20).
Recovery Depends on Network State
The progression of recovery can be seen as a relearning
process of lost functions and as an adaptation and compensation of
residual functions. Experimental animal data show that in absence of
rehabilitation, functional spontaneous recovery occurs (21). However, it was limited and largely reflected the development of compensatory motor patterns far from normal kinematics.
The recovery process impinges on a damaged, reorganized
network, and some of the changes in the acute to chronic phase after
stroke can be predictive of rehabilitation outcomes. Even though a clear
correlation between neurophysiological and neuroimaging findings and
motor outcome in stroke survivors is not fully established, algorithms
to predict motor recovery have been postulated (22).
The imbalance between reduced excitability in the affected cortex and
enhanced excitability of the unaffected hemisphere was predictive of
motor recovery in a TMS study (9).
In contrast, increases in contralesional primary motor cortex (M1)
activity over the first 10 days after stroke correlated with the amount
of spontaneous motor improvement in initially more impaired patients (23).
Furthermore, repetitive training of the affected forelimb is related
with a decreased motor representation of the intact hemisphere (24).
These findings support the idea that after stroke an ipsilesional
activity is rewired in patients with good recovery; whereas in patients
severely impaired, the contralesional hemisphere can contribute to motor
Studies on animal models are essential to explore the
time-windows more suitable to deliver rehabilitative interventions in
order to achieve optimal neuroplastic changes (25, 26).
For example, the upregulation of proteins occurs over a relatively
narrow window of time after injury, which might be the optimal time to
induce use-dependent cortical reorganization processes (16).
Improvement in motor performance is associated with reorganization of
cortical motor maps, but the temporal relationship between performance
gains and map plasticity is not clear. Training-induced motor
improvements are not reflected in motor maps until substantially later,
suggesting that early motor training after stroke can help the evolving
poststroke neural network (27). Also, in animals, a reduction of the increased tonic inhibition after injury induced functional recovery (6), which highlights the potential for animal models of stroke to provide new pharmacological targets.
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