Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I have been tagged!!!

Darcy over at Darcys Knotty Knitter has tagged me so here goes!!

4 Jobs I have had:
1: Marineland
2: Criminal Defense Paralegal
3: Legal Secretary
4: Insurance Defence Paralegal - Yuck and double yuck!!!!!

4 Favorite Movies:
1: Hairspray
2: Dirty Dancing
3: Titanic
4: Sixth Sense

4 Places I have lived:
Sadly I have never lived farther then 100 hundred miles from where I grew up in California, that said:

1: Palos Verdes (hometown)
2: Long Beach (college town)
3: Redondo Beach
4: Lovely Palmdale

4 Places I have been:
1: Australia
2: Hell (Grand Cayman Island)
3: Las Vegas
4: Mexico

4 TV shows I watch: (Really, just four?)
1: Big Brother
2: American Idol
3: Survivor
4: Criminal Minds

4 Radio Shows:
Sorry its all itunes all the time now!!

4 favorite foods:
1: Moms enchiladas
2: Linguine with clam sauce
3: Sushi
4: Chocholate

4 places I'd rather be:
1: Anywhere Honey is
2: Beach
3: Mountains
4: Sleeping

That's my list, I guess everyone else has done this - so if you haven't feel free!!!!