Showing posts with label Peanut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peanut. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday Tag A Long!!!!!

I have no idea what is going on with my comment thing!!!! Blogger won't show my comment box and the plug-ins are about to drive me right over the edge!!! Sorry and please know I am trying to fix whatever is going on!! Any ideas on how to fix would greatly be appreciated!!!!

Baby and Peanut. I love these dogs!

Tuesday Tag-Along

Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop, hosted by Twee Poppets Review and Giveaway! This is a great way to discover new blogs while increasing the number of followers for your own blog. Please feel free to grab the TTA button for your blogroll to help bring more bloggers to this blog hop!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Softball Story (rant)

(Baby, Peanut, Max)
(Mama, Daughter, Daddy)
If you stick around to the end of this post there is a cute photo of the other two daughters, Crackerjack and Mia!

We have been at our current little league for six years. This season would have been our seventh!. Honey has managed every year and has had winning teams five out out of the six years. This year the board decided Honey couldn't manage a team. We weren't told why just no. Have we done anything? Nope. Oh yes, we were trying to keep softball alive at our league. Six years ago, we had four teams in each division (minor, major, jr/sr), this year there is only ONE team in each division. There is no support for the girls. The board put $10,000. (I kid you not) into the baseball fields and ZERO into the softball field. Then they told the girls they were lucky to have one field.
Way back when we started, we went to our first umpiring clinic (little league is run all on volunteering, so managers umpire and we were there to learn how. Well, I was there to learn how, having never umpired a game in my life. (Which is a very bad memory of my childhood - being told I could not umpire because I was a girl!! Seriously?) Anyway, we showed up and we are the ONLY women there. A year later, Honey and I are certified umpires, two of three female umpires in our district. Now we are the only two female umpires in our district.

I was ok when the board told us the first place team manager, managed the all star team. I was not ok when they gave the team to a baseball coach, then the next year gave it to another coach because they thought Honey was more into umpiring and wouldn't have the time. Are you kidding me?! Not manage the all star team that our daughter is on, really?

During the fall, little leagues have what is known as fall ball. Except that our league there is no softball during the fall, girls must play baseball. Well, unless they goes over to ASA and play softball. Mostly the girls didn't play. This past season, we decided the girls should be able to play and joined up with ASA. We had 25 girls try out for 12 spots. And then went with two teams. The board was pissed we took girls over to ASA and wouldn't let practice on the field that WASN'T be used. Petty I know. Never mind the whole reason we were at ASA was there was no softball at our league. And as much as I believe that the boys and girls games are both just as athletic, at the upper divisions, the two games are so vastly different. Softball is a quicker, shorter game then baseball. I love watching both games. (Can't wait for Arizona this spring!!! Dodgertown!!! Opening Day, Spring Training!! One whole week! Yup, we are pretty much crazy for Dodger baseball around here!!) I have never loved discrimination at anything!!! The girls on our ASA team were all girls from our league and were going back to our league this spring!!! They just have never liked Honey and I. We get emails from "people" all the time about us being a manager and coach and umpires. These "people" didn't know that Honey is (was) the webmaster and read all of their hate emails. She only showed me one and it was so upsetting, she never showed me another one.

So, when she was told no to managing this spring, we decided ok, we will just be parents. Our two girls would still play at our little league. I was so upset. Honey of course, took it all in stride. She always does. I can't, it's the Italian/Mexican in me. Fiery blood I guess! Eventually, I just turned it over to the Big Man upstairs. It was just so unjust and unfair. No reason, just no. We only have two managers for three girl teams but you can't have one. The other manager is a teenager who coached middle daughter last year and she said the coach was more interested in being on her phone then coaching. THAT's who they gave a team too. Holy Moly!! And on top it all off, we have to now tell our girls that Honey didn't get a team. What do we tell them when they ask why? We just shrugged. We put off telling them for a week! Just didn't know what to say. Middle daughter was sooo excited Honey was going to coach her this spring.

Anyway, we got a call last night, and Honey was offered a team over ASA. I was not looking forward to going back to little league and now I don't have to!! Our experience over at ASA was so nice. And now I don't have to deal with our board anymore!!! Yeah!! Happy Day!!

Sorry for another long, rambling post. But I just had to let it out!! I can't yell at the stupid people I need to, but I can type really, really hard!! I feel better. Thank you.

Crackerjack and Mia at their home across town!! We see them all the time!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Three Full Weeks

As of today, we have been at our 90 day plan for three weeks! And have lost a grand total of ZERO pounds! However, we have not gained any either. I'm going to go get Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Maybe that will help shred some weight!

Honey and second daughter have been in bed with a throat/ear/fever thing all week. And now my youngest is coming down with the same thing.

After four days of solid rain, and some snow, I am finally seeing some sun!!!! But that is not to supposed to last very long. They are more saying rain for today and tomorrow. Sheesh!!
Yesterday, Peanut and I were watching the Thundering Herd on their walk.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sorry it's been awhile since the last post!!!!!

Ok so the old, "I've been buzy with school!" excuse really is lame. But it is true. Not only did classes begin but so did fall ball. AND, both Peanut and Max are in training classes, hopefully Max will be ready to take his therapy dog teat in October. Let's just say there are reasons why not many huskys are therapy dogs! Not because they are mean or stupid but because they are STUBBORN! Max knows what he is supposed to do (listen to Honey) he sometimes chooses not to listen. Just 'cause. Gotta love him. But Princess Peanut is doing gangbusters, for a almost four month old pup! Her attention span is about two minutes long - but lucky for me she loves her treats. Our big problem is the sit-stay and I walk out of the room. She "forgets" she is supposed to stay until I release her. Oh well!

Fall ball has started and both girls are on the same team. And oldest daughter is pitching, youngest daughter is learning. =)
Honey is coaching the junior boys team. That is middle son in the catchers garb. Of course they are the Dodgers.
Here is oldest son - he is hoping to become a professional umpire someday. He graduates from high school this year and wants to go to umpire school next summer.
The goofs - I was trying to take a picture for class. I gave up.
Peanut in all her glory!
"artsy" photo for school. Hopefully I will get better at picture taking by semsters end!!
She really does like to play ball.
Brother and sister, I believe she struck out both times she was at bat. =(
Looking bad ass (as my sister put it!)
Aren't they the cutest things? I have never seen dogs so attached!
"We LOVE treats!"

Dad and Cracker Jack! I really need to find a home for her.