Showing posts with label Day 72. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day 72. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2010

My weekend in pictures......Project 365 Days 72, 73, 74

This past weekend was really busy but really fun!!! Friday was slow pitch softball! Honey had two games and it was so cold!!!!! But then Saturday showed up and it was freaking freezing!! Saturday consisted of FIVE softball games and one baseball game! Sunday the family (kids and dogs) went on a five mile hike in the desert and middle son found all kinds of cool things! Bad mom I took pictures of everything but his treasures! Sigh!!!! After a brief nap, Honey and I went to her softball game, which was cancelled so of course, we went to Cold Stones for ice cream! I'm tired! But got up and went to my Turbo Kicking Boxing class, which kicked my butt! I felt like I was slogging through mud!!! And tonight both girls have softball games on two different fields! Lucky us! Is it the weekend yet?

The picture on the top is a camera phone picture. This was about the middle of our softball marathon and youngest son and dog passed out!!!
This tree is on the corner of my street and is in full bloom and beautiful!!!!

Friday softball practice and I was snapping away. Got this beautiful shot! I darkened her and beefed up the sky. I really like it, it is going in my portfolio for my Special Studies class.
The next two shots are camera phone phone shots. Max at Honeys game Friday night, and then Mary at her third softball game of the day. She pitched and actually struck out two batters. (Ok she also hit a batter, but let's not talk about that!!) If you are so inclined, hit the follow me on Twitter button and follow me! I usually Twit my camera phone pictures!
Here we are on the start of our walk! Buddy way up front with youngest daughter (everybody gets a dog!) Peanut is on the far left, then Baby, then Gibbs (the chihuahua), and Max!
Train over pass!
Oh, yeah on Sunday morning (after a Dennys run! Yum!) Honey cut her hair which we are donating to Locks of Love!
Camera phone shot of Honey freezing her tush off at Saturday nights softball games! It was really, really cold!!!!
Last but not least. Buddy the baby of the family. He is terrified of people so we take him out as often as possible. Maybe one day he will enjoy these little outings! He is pretty good at home but take him out..... He is so cute everyone wants to talk to him and he won't have any of it!