Showing posts with label Twilight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twilight. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Twilight contest!!!

I read the first book while in San Fransico. Go here for Stephenie Meyers stuff.
But go here for a really cool contest!!! I have stumbled upon The Story Siren and will be spending more time over at her place. Here are the details (directly from her page!!!) Please head over there for more!!!!!

Three winners will win their choice of Team Edward or Team Jacob buttons.

One second prize winner will win their choice of a paperback copy of Twilight/New Moon or a $10 gift card to, their choice of Team Edward/Jacob/Esme/Bella/Emmett/Carlisle/Alice/Jasper or Runs with Vampires/Forever short sleeved T-shirt from Twilight Teez and their choice of a Team Edward or Team Jacob button. (One (1) book or gift card, one (1) t-shirt, one (1) button)

The Grand Prize winner will win the complete Twilight Series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, their choice of Team Edward/Jacob/Esme/Bella/Emmett/Carlisle/Alice/Jasper or Runs with Vampires/Forever short sleeved t-shirt from Twilight Teez and their choice of a Team Edward or Team Jacob button. (Four (4) books, one (1) t-shirt, one (1) button)

This contest is only open to the U.S. and Canada. Sorry rest of the world!

The Deadline for this contest is August 2nd at midnight eastern time.

The winner will be announced August 3rd.To enter: leave a comment or email me at thestorysiren(at)hotmail(dot)com with Breaking Dawn as the subject. If you do not have a blogger profile please leave a your name or a nickname with your comment so that you can be identified. Anonymous comments with no id will be thrown out. If you email me I will send you a confirmation email.

There are many more ways to enter - but you need to get over there to see how!!!!!! Let her know you heard it from me!!!!!