Showing posts with label Shoot Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoot Me. Show all posts

Thursday, September 9, 2010

And the band played on....

 Some of my girls and I getting ready for the first performance of the season!! I guess this shot also works for Shoot Me!!

Forever In Blue Jeans

(But not to worry I have more of me coming up!!!)
Yes, I take pictures of people taking pictures of me. Just because I can....

 See? I told you more of me!!! And the drill Team Advisor, Ms. Soto!!
 Ms. Jeanell and I. (oohhhh, more pictures of me!!)
 These three lovely ladies are my Song Girls who graduated last year.

 Battle of the Bands at Jethawk Stadium!! Yup, we killed it!!!

 KaBoom directing!!!

 This would be DS#3 (aka Wonka)

 The ColorGuard! We have about 100 people in our pagentry units! And about a 100 musicians in our band! We are a pretty impressive sight!!
 My Drill Team ladies!!! Love these girls!!!
 Wonka! He is having such a great time on the Guard!!!
 I see alot more of these kind of shots in the future as we have a long season ahead of us!!!!
The first football game is friday night and the first fall ball softball games are Saturday and then FOOTBALL and Sunday!! Gonna be a fab weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Max and I after we had just completed 3.6 miles! Yup, 3.6 miles in 55 minutes!!! Not the fastest time ever, but I DID ITI'm trying a new program, C210K. And I started at week 8, day 1. It's run five minutes and walk one minute, repeat TEN times!! And really one minute is almost why bother? haha. But I walk it just the same. This program doesn't give me two minutes left, one minute left like the other program does. I miss that. But it does tell me when I am halfway done with the run. So, I will continue with this program until I catch up to the day one week one of the B210K. And then go back to B210k.

The bottom two shots are from my run.

Forever In Blue Jeans

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forever In Blue Jeans

My friend Sarah took this shot of me!  I do not like having my picture taken, I see all my flaws. But I look better now then I did two years ago. So, I am doing Shoot Me. Because in ten years I will not look this good. I know I'm an optimist!! Hahaha!!! Head over to Forever in Blue Jeans and start putting you in your shots (at least once a week!!)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Forever In Blue Jeans

Carin from Forever in Blue Jeans has Shoot Me!!!

 She explains it  Shoot Me! It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! And just jump in now with 1 of 52, you can do it!

I look back at my life and think, "why aren't I in any of those pictures?" Then I remember, because I thought I looked awful, fat, no make-up, etc., etc., etc. But the funny thing is, I wasn't. I would kill to look like I did in my 20's!!! And my kids and Honey think I look pretty good now. So, I'm in!! Go on, head over there and link up!!!!