Showing posts with label printing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label printing. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Chookie Album - Finished at Last

Hello Peeps

Do you remember this on my WOYWW post last week?

Well, you may recall that I promised to show you more of it sometime during the week, so here it is.  You may want to pop out and get yourself a cuppa or a glass of something as it is a very picture heavy post, but I hope you think it was worth it when you finish reading/viewing!!

As some of you may know, last year Hubby and I ended up with six lickle Light Sussex Chickens by via my devious buddy Rachel.  Her and her Hubby had bought eggs and were incubating them at home.  I have wanted chooks since I was 5 about ***** years ago - or a very long time ago!!  I still blame the Waltons for this you know!!  So Rachel worked on us to have some of her chicks!!

First out of the coop are Wilma and Betty. Wilma and Betty were the smaller of the six chooks and were always together, hence being named after a famous duo (Hubby's choice! It could have been worse as he was thinking of "Drumstick and Nuggets"!!!).   Unfortunately, Wilma is no longer with us after falling prey to Mr Ferdie Fox and Betty is still the smallest of the original bunch.

Next are Tony on the left and Betty, Abby and Ziva on the right.  I wanted to name them all after NCIS characters, however, that was a little tricky as most of the characters are male. Tony was an obvious choice as from a very early age he would strut around the place thinking he was God's gift to women!!   Ziva was (and still is) quite a feisty character.  She knows what she wants and will walk over everything (and anyone) to get it.  She is also a bit of an odd one out too.  When she was still a chick she was the only one who had any markings on her, a black spot on the top right of her head (Rachel and Hubby nicknamed her Spotty Woc!).  When she got a bit older and her feathers started forming it was clear that she wasn't going to be getting the black neck feathers.  So as the character Ziva is the odd one out in NCIS Spotty Woc got named Ziva.  

Abby was easy to name.  In NCIS Abby plays a Goth with plenty of tattoos.  Our Abby had a lot of black feathers around her neck and quite a way down her back.  Hence Abby.  Abby was the first of our chooks to be murdered by Mr Fox.  :-(
Next we have Myfanwy.  Myfanwy was the nosiest of all of the chooks.  She would be constantly on the look out for anything or anyone.  Whatever we were doing when we were outside she would watch us most intently.  Hmmn.  Reminded me of someone whom I used to work with so Myfanwy it is. (I mean that in a nice way of course!)  She has since turned out to be the biggest of our hens and also Mother Hen. You can stroke her when they are in the coop at night without her objecting to it.   The character on the right is Mr Chicken Man.  I have a series of these photos where I kept asking Hubby to move the coop left a bit, right a bit, 90 degrees right, 90 degrees left, whilst I just kept clicking the camera.  Hilarious and extremely silly.  Bless 'im!!
Now on the final two inside pages.  (I do wish I had painted my nails!!)  I have made pockets for tags and a lickle door.  
Tags front and back.  Need to put a lickle journalling on there.  Not sure quite what yet.
Here is the door.......

And here is our first lickle eggie.  Probably Ziva's as she had laid a soft shelled egg the day before.  But this egg was perfick and tasted absolute scrummy.  Our first ever home grown egg.  
And here is the back of the book.  

Since we have had these chickens we have also had some ex-Battery Hens join us.  Three beautiful ones.  Now I need to make a book for them.  

Hope you like my lickle album.  Please do not forget to leave me a comment.  I do sooo love to hear what you think of my projects.


Hettie and her Chooks!

P.S.  Thanks to Sandra for getting the set of chicken stamps for me and posting them.  They are wonderful and worked so well!