Showing posts with label Paper Bag Album. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paper Bag Album. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Scrapbook Tuesday - Guernsey Album

Hello Friends

I hope you are all lucky enough to be enjoying this dry weather that we have been having lately.  Just a shame the weekends aren't very long to enjoy it.

REgulars will know that on a Tuesday I tend to share a recent layout here, however, I haven't done one this week.  However, I have been working on my album that I started last year and have not shared with you, so I will now.  It has been inspired by the albums that Laura Dennison creates but to my own specifications and design. Front cover.....

Inside front cover.... The covers were actually made from some law books which were about to be disposed of!!  Criminal!!  The slight bobbling on the front cover is where the text is embossed into the cover, but this will be covered with embellishments when I add them on.  I don't tend to put the embellishments on the cover until I have finished the book.

Some pics of a wonderful small Shell Church and Simon at the wall of Castle Cornet.  Yes that is me peaking out of the Church on the far right.....a larger version of me!!

Photos of the bay.  You can tell I have had this on the go for a while as I had just received my Sailing set of SU stamps!!  
This was my first ever flight!!  1993!!  
Some of you may recognise the papers as Laura Ashley which were out some years ago!!  I have also used elements from Cosmo Cricket set and bucket loads of Snippets.
And another silly one of yours truly, along with some butterflies which someone kindly sent to me!  As you may notice, I have used a mixture of photos and postcards bought from the trip.
Quite a bit more work to do but it is coming along slowly.  I have not told you but the pages are made from brown paper bags which used to hold the Partners' lunches when they were being delivered here!!  More recycling or upcycling!!

Right, I think the Playground Chicken Coop needs cleaning out and as it is such a lovely sunny afternoon, I shall volunteer to do the job.  Anyone care to join me?



Wednesday, 27 April 2011

WOYWW 99- A Real Mess I am Afraid!!

Hello there Fellow Crafters

It is Wednesday, not quite 5 to 5 (giving my age away there don't you think?), so it is time for WOYWW!!  I cannot believe that it is the last one in April.  Where has this month gone?  If you do not know what I am on about, then click HERE and you will be whisked via Crackerjack magic over to the desk of Julia who is the host of WOYWW.

Well, here goes... I am afraid that my desk is a real mess this week (nothing much new there then I hear you say!) as I am mid project.

I am making a paper bag album in the style of Laura of Following the Paper Trail who I found on You Tube  HERE .  I loved her album and decided to use all the paper bags I had left to make an album of my Coast 2 Coast trip I made on my bicycle back in 1999!! It is still in the "putting it together stage" but it should not take too long now as the hard work has been done, including the canvas cover. 
I coloured it with acrylic paint first and then sprayed colour washes (don't ask what colours - I just kept grabbing different ones!), then I did not like it so I swooshed the canvas with babywipes, added more paint, then more colour washes, wipes until in the end I decided that I should let it dry and see what I thought in the morning.  I loved it once it was dry so just added some glimmer mist to give it a little sparkle and adhered it to the book!
You may notice that there is a Lonely Planet book on Scotland on my desk too.  I find these soooo useful when adding journalling to my albums as they provide information which may have been forgotten in the meantime.  I bought this book only three years ago when Hubby and I went to Scotland, even travelling on some of the roads which I undertook on my tour.  I think we were both shocked at some of the hills I climbed!!  Especially so the Lecht Ski  Centre and Tomintoul!!

Well, off to have a go at driving my jalopy (Clarissa) today!!!  Yippeeeee!  My knee has come on leaps and bounds in the last few days, including my ankles becoming my own again and not the horrid puffy swollen ones that were not mine!!!  I have been very good at following the advice of the Physiotherapist and Frankie at doing my exercises every day, and I feel it shows!  Thanks Guys!!

