Showing posts with label terrain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrain. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blogtoberfest Day 8

 So I got my batting delivered today, and I pulled some energy (after a flat out day at work) out of my ass from somewhere to do some basting! It's always a good way of cleaning the lounge room anyway!

So there's the backing...see my little helper sitting still for 2 secs? (he got kicked out soon after, ants in his pants tonight)

different angle. Exciting, I know.

then the layer of batting, and....

 and I managed to forget one of the quilt top on top. Look over here for that!

And it took under 2 hours!

 And I thought I shared this, but don't think I did (or it's the crap filing system I call my labels- I really need to work on them!) I read on Jeni's blog in her great post about crafting with arthritis, and I'm always for tips for saving the aches and pains that can come with the extreme sport I call quilting!

Not having one of these tools, and really not believing it would do anything, I found something similar in my tools, and gave it a whirl. O.M.G.

It really makes a huge difference!

I still can't work out how, and that bugs me as i like to know how things work! But, as Jeni says, 'It minimises stress on your fingers and wrists and simply makes the whole process faster.'

It's definitely sped my basting up. Really less painful!

 In fact, the basting was so quick (I think I was traumatised by the single girl quilt having to be stuck to the floor for a week while I thread basted it) I may have it quilted in a few nights! Then what am I going to do on Saturday?

Friday, August 10, 2012


I apologise profusely for more pics of this quilt. I have bombarded Instagram (where I'm becsibbi) and twitter with them lately. Sorry. Can't help it.

 I fell in love with a line of fabric last year, and as a Xmas pressie to me, bought myself a layer cake of it. I searched the Moda Bakeshop for a 'layer cake friendly' pattern, where I found this. Consider me a very happy chappy.

Fast forward a few lots of months. The quilt top was done, but too many other things got in the way, and after all, it was only for me! It could wait. But a chance chat with an work colleague, and before I knew it, pics were shown and it was sold!

Thanks to good counseling from friends, and Twitter support, I have just delivered it to it's new owner! A girl about to turn 14. (Her mum bought it, paid, drove it home. It's a b'day surprise for a few weeks time).

So excuse me while I bombard my blog with pics of one of my fave quilts ever.....

 pieced backing;

 basting (and batting adjustments)


 the rain stopped for pics (happy animals as they aren't wet);



 awesome binding;

*sigh*. At least I have photos. Which, by coincidence, I had on my phone and when I showed a snap to my accountant (don't ask me how that happened, I have no idea) he pulled cash out on the spot and order a king size version!

Unfortunately I don't want yardage of Terrain, which is all I can find; so I'm going to use Cuzco
Not that I'd get bored anything, but any excuse as much beautiful fabric as possible!