Showing posts with label blogtoberfest09. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogtoberfest09. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 30 Blogtoberfest

Are we the last or 2nd last day? Boohoo, I had fun! Especially today, a lunch with Cam and discovering new shops in my hood, such as here and this one at 52 Williamstown Rd Yarraville. Let's just say- felter's heaven!!
But let me back up a bit- last night at Perle 8's there was much oohing and ahhing over Cindy's scrap pile
and chuckling at Mary's mismatched seasons- are you hot or cold? But a great hat pattern by Nikki .

I was given some patterns I admired from Andi

I got some more to refill my stash at Salvos today

along with this pair of brand new pants- up to a size 14, so needed new 'fat' pants to lounge in with the warmer days.

and this great homemade dress. Just needs the seams over locked, and it's off for a soak. I love the tea towel look!

Back to the mags- a bit of eye candy (or knitting porn) for the fans.

If anyone could knit me this sweater, PLEASE let me know!

I would have begged someone to make me this way back when!

One word: therapy.

And how I wished single men would look.

Fun fun fun!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Creative Space

At the moment, the finishing UFO's is coming along really well, but I slipped up yesterday and made a cute pair of spring pj's for Little Miss out of vintage sheets- the problem is, I can't find them!!! I had them one minute, then they are gone- I'm hoping I'll open the fridge and they'll appear! So here is my next lot of sheets, maybe fro some pj pants for me; my early b'day present to myself from this awesome store (Betty Jo brooch and candle); and Little Miss's brooch Cam made her. Found coming out of the wash on her mum's t-shirt. Oops. what a well built brooch!!
And a gratuitous woolly dog shot.

Just cos he's cute!

Head over here to see more creative spaces.

Monday, October 26, 2009

sewing for the fussy 101 Day 26

You always wonder when you're handmade creations will stop being taken gratefully, and how you will know.
When I cut this pattern out a while ago, I went through all my fabrics with child and asked what she wanted.
This was the answer.
That face is a 'I don't think so Mum'. After finishing purple pants that were too small, she opted for green ones, which still have a small bottom part-'bum crack pants' I call them. And apparently not comfy! They won't even do as pj pants, she said!
Also, the headscarf has now been rejected. So the top has survived!

In case you're wondering, this is the pattern, one of my bargain ones from Spotlight a while back.

Again, she picked the green Hollie Hobbie fabric, one I didn't have much left of, but she has today rejected it. So there'll be a size 6 View in the shop soon!
It was easier when she couldn't talk!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

blogotberfest day 24- unblogged!

I'm slowly getting my spark back. It's amazing how negative people can get you down. And unfortunately my way of recuperating is to shut myself off and not be sociable, until I'm out of my mood. Don't we always think of 'being moody' as bad? Well, for me, I need to recharge my body, but also get some energy back. And this is how I do it.....

Last night I took in the red and white striped knit top; finished a teeny tiny Hollie Hobbie top; and I crochet roll I promised someone when I began blogging!

Today I started rearranging my head...I mean my space, as I was dragging out all these extension leads, when really it just needed to be swapped over.

Yes, needs to be cleared off before dinner, but that's what carpet picnics are for.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 23- getting inspired

I finally got over some procrastinating last night when I realised how many UFOs I had in the bottom filing cabinet drawer. How many? I don't even want to count!

But it has inspired me to finish them- no more new stuff till then! And there is good stuff there- I found this plain white cardie I have spunked up with thread, buttons and Amy Butler style flower. And some pot holder I had half done for-ever!

Lots of new goodies to show off soon- yay, mojo back!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day.....where am I up to?

A blogging break....a few mental days and I am using a 'get out of blogtoberfest free' card, if there is one!

Working in the public health system is.....usually ok. But when people are using the service with no intention of following advice, and then compliaiing about you and your professional qualifications....don't let the door hit you on the arse as you leave, lady!

Ok, rant over, and after a big, big sleep, which included a Nanna nap, I am feeling a bit better.

I'm starting to get around to finishing things, isn't the warmer weather amazing for a boost of energy? Realising I hadn't posted my 5 skirts I made in this, here they are, hanging on the line to get some special vitamins in!

Worst thing about hanging out the washing? Having to bring it in.....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 19 Blogtoberfest

God, I can't believe it's almost over! This has been so much fun, I'm missing it already...
but another week or more left, so here is today's effort
I was always pretty proud and maybe slightly nauseated that Little Miss would eat the WHOLE kiwi fruit, skin and all (ew!) but I never stopped her. It won't kill her, right? But now she has discovered the plastic knifespoon, it's all different.
I love watching her hand eye coordination....

and the enjoyment and she tastes it and eats it up!


BTW that is the skanky thumb sucking thumb, not all her fingers look that yucky!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 18 blogtoberfest

As I was working all day at the Expo, I've not even taken out my camera or looked for something to post about- so here are yesterday's snaps, as taken by little Miss.
Me show Liesel my quilt

Murray at the back door crying because I wouldn't let him in to jump over everyone as he needs a bath

the pumpkin pie my neighbour made the vegie-phobe Cam wouldn't eat (she did taste it, though)
the dining room table we worked around

Ah, Crafternoon, come back again soon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 17- Giveaway time!

I remembered my giveaway about 3pm today, in the middle of my Crafternoon, so have only just drawn it! The process was unfortunately not witnessed by the human eye....
comments were cut up....

rolled and mixed about....

the cat was summonsed....

and made to walk over the pile twice to see which one it's foot landed on( the first time it STEPPED OVER every single one!!) It actually kicked the winner out of the pile the second time, like get out of my way, then! A clear winner...
well, not so clear to you, but it was definitely Sewjourn!

The most awesome place on the world!
Jan, I'll be in touch and we'll decide what I can sew for you! And where to post mag stash.....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 15 and 16

I was sure I posted last night, and yep, there it was, in drafts! Oops.
So here was last night's pic- Fabric Utopia commenced. what began as planks of wood and bricks has become....handmade shelves!!

And speaking of handmade- branching out and trying some..err, what's it called? I used to do it before I discovered blogging and sewing...err, cooking! Yep, I got the child to eat quiche by making a sun dried tomato, feta and olive quiche- she's already asked for some for lunch tomorrow.

Can't wait to try salmon and dill!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 14- A lucky one.

I headed over to a few oppy's this morning, one being recently renovated and looking mighty fine, and the other just chockers with stuff!! It was so full. Vinnies and Salvos Hoppers Crossing are the ones I'm talking about, do yourself a favour!!
Anyway, I let my friend Curlypops know, and I dropped in for a chat and cup of tea- and I came home with this!
Recycling is the best thing, she was finished with it and I had one thing on my b'day/Xmas list- a coffee machine (now I have nothing!).

She is also the super clever girl who made my new header- think I need a great project to give back to her in return. She really is a Superpops!
And here is my Lazy Day skirt for today, for a friends little girl.

Cute, huh?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 13 Blogtoberfest

Did a bit of sewing today in between naps (I'm sick, remember?). This is my attempt at a Lazy Day skirt for today- the doilies were meticulously attached, only for the machine to go spazzo when I was doing the casing! Big skipped stitches- I tried every remedy the book said, I think my machine didn't like my design :(

So I put it down and finished off my Anna mini-dress. (in this Amy Butler fabric range).

I have made this as a tunic, but the flower wasn't made- this time it will not beat me!!
My favourite part is the back of the yoke, where four little buttons will soon go (once my butt hits the couch). So cute! (buttons, not my butt).
Hmm, now where to wear it?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 12 part 2

I jumped up from my nap, as I realised I had joined in on this, and nearly missed a day!

I quickly made this, for a nearly size 6, but it actually goes around my waist comfortably!! It became another lesson in sewing for Little Miss too- I am teaching her to push through elastic with a saying- ' push the t-shirt over the head, pull it's pants down'. It probably needs to be seen to be understood!

The Oscar the Grouch pj top goes beautifully with it, doesn't it? It describes Little Miss to a tee at the moment.
As Little Miss didn't like the finished result, this will be listed in my shop I'm opening tomorrow (yay!). If you like trippy clown 70's fabric, stay tuned.....

Da 12 Blogtoberfest

Sick, going back here... Proper post tomorrow.

Day 11 Blogtoberfest

I couldn't resist this shot of my sleeping baby- with her Babushka Baby
she scored at the market. It has now joined "Cubby" from Australia Zoo as her new best friend.
(She is normally allowed a pillowcase, I have just forgotten for a week or so to put one on)

A big stash has been moved into the lounge room, in preparation for 'Fabric Utopia'

which will occur in this hallway. Watch this space.....
I hope to have it done for Saturday- I'm having a little Crafternoon at my joint (it might just be sitting around a big stash of fabric, though). Bloggers meeting bloggers and eating and crafting- if this sounds like your cup of tea (that will be supplied, but you may need to make you own if I'm busy chatting) email me for further instructions.

Hopefully this new top will be finished, sick leave is for resting and Dr's visits, so some relaxing sewing is on the agenda today- with a nap, hopefully.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

blogtoberfest day 10- from the market.

The Yarraville market had a beautiful day for it, unfortunately I came down AGAIN with tonsillitis, so had half a voice at least. Today it is completely gone, much to the amusement of friends and child. A high squeak is not good for discipline!
Anyway, I digress. I set up on my new card table, next to my new double rack (tee shirt sleeves poking in to this photo)

I made some new purses in "Antique Treasures" from Spotlight
a Smurf tote/basket style bag (medium weight non-woven interfacing worked a treat)
and some more retro shopping totes (lined for extra strength).

I picked up a packet of foam beads the other day, wondering if it would amuse little Miss for a few hrs, and look what I got!

I'm wearing it now, too, it's cheering me up in this painful, grumpy state!

PS I have all these products pictured unsold, about to go on my Made It shop, but drop me a line if your interested