It's been crafty and oppy at house of Sauras the last few days, and today outdid them all. Envious about my shoe scores? Read on....
I finished making these Babushka beauties, pattern by Jhoanna.
Also made some key rings to take to the market tomorrow
The Thornbury Craft Bonanza met up today, and I scored these amazing fabrics of Hoppo Bumpo. She will be kept in a lifetime of fleece for these ones!
haby stash
When unrolled later on, I find a gorgeous corduroy!!!
The 2nd best thing about visiting a new burb (besides visiting friends that is) is checking out their local op shops. They must have been waiting for me :)
Tea towel (me thinks cute fabric)
haby stash
When unrolled later on, I find a gorgeous corduroy!!!
A Smurf sheet! I have been looking forever for one of these. I initially thought it was a doona cover, and when I went "oh, a sheet" Little Miss (Resourceful) piped up and said "you can still cut it up, Mum!).