Well, I can hardly blame having nothing to do, can I? it's been pretty busy, and lots of crafting so here goes the latest.....
oh, warning, lots of pics! But not necessarily in the right order, which should prove a bit fun!
Here is the new doggy coat, for my cold little friend. Cute, huh?
Saturday of this long weekend saw me at the Sister's Market, little Miss in tow and getting a bit excited when we saw these- my pencil rolls on the Lark stand! Cool!
Oh, here's me on a Saturday night- DVD on and sewing away on Little Miss's new quilt. You like the honesty, right?
So I'm using my back up machine, the one I learnt on, my mum's old one. Freaky, can't even find a good description online!
Food- have been watching Masterchef, and cooked soup this week. But i wanted to leave you with my child's dinner choice tonight- chosen at the supermarket, she requested chips too, but we already had them at lunch, so fish and salad it was! I'm pretty lucky....