Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Monday, June 14, 2010

A busy week

Well, I can hardly blame having nothing to do, can I? it's been pretty busy, and lots of crafting so here goes the latest.....
oh, warning, lots of pics! But not necessarily in the right order, which should prove a bit fun!
Here is the new doggy coat, for my cold little friend. Cute, huh?

Yep, made out of 2 acrylic, old jumpers, and I just traced it off an old one that he tore off! (A bit girly, maybe?)

have bought some great chenille pieces, this person is still having a sale, a great seller too.

I swapped some chenille with Selina, too, isn't it all gorgeous (I assume you are all nodding, yes, Bec, it's great).

Saturday of this long weekend saw me at the Sister's Market, little Miss in tow and getting a bit excited when we saw these- my pencil rolls on the Lark stand! Cool!

We also popped into The Olive Grove, and picked up a little cat for her, and a brooch for me. What an amazing store, all handmade and original, check it out!

we also got Little Miss a pair of arm warmers at the Sisters Market (see, told you I'd keep you on your toes!). Little Miss picked them out herself, and wore them until they got too hot, so cute. So now we both have a pair!

Oh, here's me on a Saturday night- DVD on and sewing away on Little Miss's new quilt. You like the honesty, right?

Saturday I headed along to the MMQG, where my machine had a spack attack and decided to not work. So I dropped it off to sewing machine hospital on the way home, and yep, the timing is out and it needs a service. Which has gone up in price from 6 mths ago. Brother! (No, still loyal Janome fan, do like a certain Bernina though). I did meet this machine, though, which is a lot cheaper and so cute to boot!
So I'm using my back up machine, the one I learnt on, my mum's old one. Freaky, can't even find a good description online!

The holiday Monday was spent with 2 little 6.5yr olds at the movies- very funny, and great closure! Can't get bored after 4 of these movies, something new each time, so definitely do it. #D was great, but if you have a child (like mine) who takes the glasses off, then complains about a headache, save the $3!
Food- have been watching Masterchef, and cooked soup this week. But i wanted to leave you with my child's dinner choice tonight- chosen at the supermarket, she requested chips too, but we already had them at lunch, so fish and salad it was! I'm pretty lucky....

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finally a post

Have been a bit blah this week, so haven't really had the energy to blog. The SAD has hit early (I've never been officially diagnosed,but I'm sure I've got it!) and just getting to work and back has taken up my time! But I managed to get out Thursday night, to NCB, and had a blast, such good medicine! I keep trying to take heaps of pics when I'm there, but I'm too busy- eating Chair 14's yummy food (roast pork- yum!)

and doing my 'slow craft'- 4ply wool and tiny needles makes this a bit slow!
But it's coming along.

This week we had Perle 8's join us, there was half a room full and LOTS of talking.
I also went to the movies- I saw SATC2, which is so funny- don't go for complicated plot lines, or wanting to come out and dissect it- go for fun And laughs and fashion and all the other good reasons you go to the flicks.
The cinema I go to also has a bookshop next door, open late, bad for book addicts, but good when I came home with this- a bit of work on my plain white cardi today, I think!
Hope everyone else is managing the cold snap ok!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I had a lover-ly night out the other night at the NCB.
This little group is so much fun, there are some other good reviews here and here.
That's if you want to know about the craft.
I'm reviewing the food!
For my dinner, I didn't pass a McDonald's on the way, and am very glad I didn't, as I had the bangers and mash.

Anna had a burger, and the Cokes come in the glass bottle, the only way it should be drunk in my opinion. Does anyone like it in plastic? (Blurgh.)

The best bit was when they ask if you want mustard? Out comes the condiments- all written in German, but so yummy you want to squeeze the tube into your mouth and lick the top (like you would toothpaste if it were a bit tastier).

It's an awesome cafe, other great things include the ice coffee and mineral water, brownies etc. We have so far been the only ones there, I think, on a Thursday night.

Onto other things, here is the shirt I made my lawn fairy, Wal (everyone needs one of those, you come home and the lawns mowed, ace!). I think it's the first thing I've made with all the pattern going the right way, and big bonus for me! And we didn't lose him in the crowd at the festival. Although the Hawaiian themed choir wanted to give him a lei.....
And a parting shot of a naughty boy....Mum, I got caught in the rain!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 15 and 16

I was sure I posted last night, and yep, there it was, in drafts! Oops.
So here was last night's pic- Fabric Utopia commenced. what began as planks of wood and bricks has become....handmade shelves!!

And speaking of handmade- branching out and trying some..err, what's it called? I used to do it before I discovered blogging and sewing...err, cooking! Yep, I got the child to eat quiche by making a sun dried tomato, feta and olive quiche- she's already asked for some for lunch tomorrow.

Can't wait to try salmon and dill!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Making presents

I had finished the pink zig zag quilt (see earlier post) for my friend having her bub, and had a night to spare- someone at work told me her favourite colour was red, so I made these too. Don't know if I overdid it with the ruffle around the leg AND the back ruffle, but my new motto is 'their can never be too many ruffles on a baby's bottom" so they will be fine. The front view is pretty nice too, I thought.
I thought I would try and make her a baby gown like this I like giving things that no one else has (der, why else would it be hand made, I ask myself), but also something a bit funky. She thinks she's having a girl (I hope she does after the girly goodies
I have made), she could swap it all for boys stuff, I wouldn't mind.
Big grown up daughter is having her first sleepover here at our house tonight, her 2 little boy mates, nearly 5 and nearly 3. They are all engrossed in "Go Diego Go" at the moment and being absolutely no trouble. They've had dessert and I'm off to make the beds up. I feel very domestic having extra kids in the house, and want to spoil them all rotten! Pancakes for breakfast.... Not for the dieters! Best pancakes ever.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Early Sunday morning

It is a wet Sunday morning, quite early for me. I could have layed in a little bit longer, cuddled with my little girl, until we heard....vomiting cat! Quite a smelly cat, actually, the litter box needed to be taken outside, me in socks, rain on veranda, dog excited to see me- all before my coffee!

I sent the offending cat, Ace, outside and will deal with her later!

This is how she likes to sit and watch me on the computer. She doesn't stay for long, then she likes to sit on my lap, or walk across the keyboard flicking her tail in my face.

I also thought i'd warn everyone about this addiction, it is quite severe and I am about to start kiddy in a treatment program- Cruskit addiction! With vegemite THEN butter, and pray you don't mix that up! They have replaced bread, snacks, and generally every meal if she can get away with it. If I ask 'what do you want to eat?" I will get the Cruskit answer. They are pretty good. Funny favourite, though.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


On a cold wintery day, I have a sniffly girl and lots of sorting my study to do, so by the end of the day, I'm feeling a bit housebound!

Poor Murray wants a walk, which means being out in very cold weather, and I am now over it, so instead I thought i'd share my chicken soup and tablecloth photo.

I got this one and a similar red one at an op shop, they are small squares which I put over a bigger one. The embroidery is all hand done. The soup is mainly potato, parsnip and carrot, with chicken and LOTS of garlic. She didn't eat much soup, but wanted the yummy sourdough to dip onto it. Plenty left over for me! There is also a pic of a yummy green salad we had Sat night, to get the little one to eat lettuce! She at 2 pieces, and all the other things. Mmm, salad in winter, hard to do but worth it!