Showing posts with label blogtoberfest10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogtoberfest10. Show all posts

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 31- Round up

I know, we are all done I was a bit slacker this year, exp towards the end- I was just so dammed tired by the time I got to Blog O'Clock.

So I thought I'd show you a few days worth of stuff on the last day, I don't know when I'll be back haha.

A (now finished) project, and a good reason to visit Nikki....(supplies)

My lovely garden, after my mower boy (with  broken mower) came and gardened for me (yep, I sewed while he gardened, bliss).

No kid dressing up for Halloween- how did that even creep into out society? I don't get it. But the chance for a doggy fashion parade, free sausages, prizes etc made me whip up this pirate outfit....

get the kid to walk down the catwalk (or 'dog walk')

face painting and a photo shoot of child and dog got me there.

Phew, what a day!

Thanks to Cam and Cathy for hosting, I won a giveaway, had 2, and have read through all the Blogtoberfester's, but hey, I have a year to do that, I don't think that list is going anywhere! (Cathy, don't delete that list, OK?)

(Oh, and I did the whole thing without a proper camera, pretty happy about that- er, not not having a camera, the fact that I have photos to show!)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Creative Space Blogtoberfest '10 Day 21

Well, I decided what to do with my half square triangles-  I can't remember how I found this, but I liked it!

My version has a bit missing- luckily I ordered some more of Etsy last week to do a pieced backing,. this I'll squeeze out a few more triangles!

 And the biggest thrill of the...err, day? 1st mango of the season! She always leaves me the seeds!

 Thinking I'll buy a box this year!

Head over here to see more

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flea Market Finds (Blogtoberfest '10 Day 17)

Some people think op shops are full of old used stuff.

But, these definitely aren't used, all sealed in their boxes. For 50c a box!
They are the small size, handy for nearly everything! Cheaper than Costco!

(this will last me a while, don't worry!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 13 Self Portrait

After taking the first pic, I did a full face one- I have serious eye drooping issues on the right side. So I may now become the Phanton of the Opera and wear half a mask...or call myself Harvey Two-Face!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 12

This is it. The most boring day. Ever.

Work. Ironing. The most boring blog post. Ever.
Here's hoping tomorrow has some excitement.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 8

A proud day!
(excuse the pens etc, this is what people who don't have photo shop do!)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 Day 6 (cheating)

So this is the post I wanted to do yesterday, but didn't get around to it! Remember this? It has become this bag, so cute I think.

I up-cycled some denim from a pair of jeans expensive 7 For All Mankind jeans I got at the oppy),
so hexie-like lining, and Bob's your uncle!

My Creative Space Blogtoberfest '10 Day 7

So I missed a day yesterday, which means there may be another post later...I have something to show off. But today I'm playing along here, with a shot of my upcoming projects.

I have market sewing up to scratch, so a few things for me and the Miss, and the house.
Head over here to see more spaces

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 4

Making summer clothes

(and what you do when the child wears a white t-shirt and paints in it...cover up the stains!)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 Day 3

Grrrr, today is a whingy one.
One you might all; be familiar with, but I need to get it off my chest!
Why can't you get things repaired anymore? I'm so sick of this disposable society!
Number One is my coffee machine. If you don't know, Ms Curlypops kindly gifted me her coffee machine she wasn't using anymore, in return for coffee whenever she visits, and not long after (and coincidentally after I descaled and cleaned it) the steamer stopped working. It took me ages, but I finally went here, one of 2 places in Melbourne that Sunbeam recommend to repair their machines. They glanced at my machine, then told it was too old to bother with (7yrs old, apparently), it would cost $99 to look at it, then $200-$300 to repair it. So I might as well buy a new machine for $189 (av price in the shops)
So I thought I'd tackle the next problem, the broken camera (the reason for no pics for this post, and iPhone shots lately. Good to note- Harvey Norman have your receipt on their computer, so don't spend hrs looking for receipt (like I did! I didn't find it either). yep, out of warranty. Yep, $99 to look at it. Yep, buy another one.
I heard somewhere recently things are made to last 12mths, then you're meant to buy a new one, that sucks! Granted I can't afford the repairs, but I also can't afford a new one. I would wait patiently if I knew it could get fixed!
Now I can't find the camera- maybe in the hast, I left it on the counter at the shop, I got it home and the child said 'oh, well, we need a new one anyway'! So now I have lost the memory card and rechargeable batteries.
Some days I shouldn't get out of bed......
(PS I've tried to add spaces into this post, not working well, sorry!)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 2

well, I wish I had more to show for it.
Picture wise, that is! The broken camera still has me using the iPhone, and this was the best one of the lot- even though it is the mock-up at home! Some great photo's were taken by the mnarket photographers, who also bought some skirts for their little girls!
I had a great time and met new friends, no de-lurking bloggers though, just the usual suspects. A friend even came up from Melbourne with her kiddies and mum to say hi, how cool is that! I'll post tomorrow with my goodies (not many, I promise).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 1

Yay, it's here, along with the warmer weather and Daylight Savings- what's not to love at the moment!

Being crafty pals with Tinniegirl and Curlypops, I am inspired by all their goodness and giveaways, and have one especially for tomorrow.
So, I told you there's a market on, didn't I? That I would be at, come hell or high water (neither of which have reared their ugly heads yet).
So, for this giveaway, the first person who comes up to my stall and says 'Happy Blogtoberfest' in person gets a prize.
Also, if I've never met you before, I'll give you a bonus pressie. Just for de-lurking!
I'll be in the Main hall, to the right of the stage (if you are facing the stage, that is). At the Daylesford Town Hall, Vincent Street Dayelsford. Martket is open from 10am-3pm.
I know, all the other non-attenders don't get a chance (there's always time to change you plans tomorrow, peeps, it's only the footy!) so I'll have another giveaway in the month.

Also, my 100th follower will win something as well- 6 spots to go, and 1 month to do it!

The challenges have been set....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 sleeps!

If you haven't heard of it before....where have you been?? I joined in last year, and met heaps of new people.
Head over to Tinniegirl's blog tomorrow to sign up, and brace yourself for a really cool month!
You can get a head start on it tomorrow night at Chair 14....I can't make it, unfortunately, I soooo love the food, as well as the company! What a way to ring in the festivities!