Tuesday, June 28, 2011


 A few weeks ago, I had a friend come and force help me get rid of some of my fabric I wasn't going to use. I've only hung onto it for like, forever! So a giveaway is happening!

I took a few different angles, as you can see there is a fair bit. A range of colours, and some kids prints in there. The rule of the giveaway is

you must be able to either pick up fabric, or be willing to pay the postage.

Email for a postage quote if you want postage, otherwise go ahead and comment!

Edit: I'll draw it a week from posting!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Creative Space

In between couching it with a headcold this week, I finished one top off, and have another one to finish tonight.

Same pattern as here; joining in over here.

Monday, June 20, 2011

A prize! For Me?

It was my first day back at work today after a delicious 8 days off. I thought I
was ready. I really did.

We slept in. Raced out the door. Risked the whole trip with a flashing petrol light.
I rang a colleague on the way to cancel my first few appts, and the lovely girl drove over to my centre and opened it up for, AND saw my first client! That gave me time to get me and her a coffee!

The rest of the day was a blur; I jumped in the car FINALLY and headed to school pickup and basketball training. Halfway home we realised- the kid left her school bag in the hall! In our hurry in the cold to the car, I hadn't even thought about it! A mild tanty occurred when I firmly said 'NO' to driving back to school for an empty bag.

Imagine my delight when I found the card in the letterbox and found the postie had
cleverly hidden my parcel for me.

 Jennie had a giveaway over on her blog, which was hotly contested for and
which I luckily won! Check out the cute remote control!

I was also channelling my lovely afternoon yesterday today,  when I thought it would collapse around me. An amazing afternoon tea, organised by...the most organised hostess! Nikki provided the venue, more pics are over there as well!

 Amazing lemon tart- after the first one disappeared, I kept saying 'there are two!' Yum!

Awesome prizes for a raffle;

and even a take home treat, which I gave to my lovely sister for allowing me a
 child free afternoon!

 And that mini dress? soooo cute! I put the hat on top to help reference the size,
the pen didn't help for me!

Yep, the good stuff definitely outweighs the bad stuff. What crappy day?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A very productive day

I was going a bit bonkers during my week off looking after the poxy kid, so my young pal said she'd come for a play! Blog land is the only place an old bird like me would make friends with a spring chicken like B Fab!

She came bearing gifts (the best kind of friend ha ha). A slightly used but about to be thrown out cutting mat! Too long for my table, but practically perfect in every way!

we didn't muck around and quickly set up the machines.

A beautiful winter's day....the sun called us outside....

to the backyard of quilting! My old neighbour Wal came and repaired the table for me,
and we couldn't resist the sun. I needed sunglasses!

 We got 2 cot sized quilts basted, and then did some machining.

Fresh cupcakes made by Little Miss and I

and a little trip to the oppy, or a 'tea break' as we like to call it. B-Fab spotted
 these Ken Done placemats, perfect to go with....

my other set! Ah, the genius that is Ken Done!

Thanks, Brianna, for braving the pox and hanging us with us girls for the day. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Creative Space

Running a little late, but still wanted to join in....

The Kid has already said no, but still I plough on....

The home of such spaces.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Last One Today, I promise!

hmm, it seems as the day went on, the sillier we got. is it just me, or is it cold? Hibernating is essential at the moment (and quarantine too!)

So here is today's finished dress; I need more tops, but I like this style, it's so easy to make (4 peices) and looks good over anything (a bit short to bare my legs, though). It's New Look 6922. I've made it a few times, but the only place I can find it is here, the too small one!

I added the pockets after, thankfully the cat had knocked over the box of doiley's haha (see here)

I learnt some new hemming techniques when I was pattern testing recently,
which I really liked as a quick finish.

Sleeves too.

Oh, and my poxy photographer... 

Sewing projects from the Long Weekend

So, of course, in between kid wrangling, and a bit of hard core bathroom cleaning, endless
washing and food prep, I have managed a bit of sewing.
For a new baby girl Alana in Sydney, 3rd baby of my bestie I've known since Year 7 in
high school (ie 13!) a new quilt...

 my first go at a pinwheel quilt, inspired my by mate here.

with a vintage sheet backing, lucky I waited till I knew the sex!

 Also, a finished top of the Pips quilt....

And a sneak peek of the backing. Now to quilt it!

I've finished my 2nd project from the book. It was meant to be a test run, but I made sure I liked
the fabric, in case it worked....

and, of course, it did!

Posing near my broken table tennis table; to be repaired soon....

Long weekends.....

We Aussies love a long weekend, don't we? Actually, anyone that doesn't is a bit odd. I usually don't have plans for the long weekends, I've usually run out of money, but I've started to love pottering around at home for them; a sewing room will help with that!

Saturday morning had The Kid helping her uncle at Essendon Farmer's Market on his Happy Fruit stall; that brought us home some yummy Green Eggs and Nicolas olives. Got to be happy with that!

However, by the afternoon, the 'mozzie' bites Little Miss thought she had were spreading; they were itchy, and a call to Nurse On Call confirmed my tentative guess- Chicken Pox! She's having a mild dose, there isn't much itching or other signs of illness; but unfortunately a contagious disease means we are housebound for a bit longer. I'm confronted all the time in my professional role with idiots people who don't immunise their children, for their own beliefs, not taking in to account the effect on the child. These people spend the whole pregnancy doing the best for the baby, to then expose them for the rest of their to preventable illness! Yes, they may still get the illness, but the effects are so much less. I truly believe those parents needs to tour the hospitals and see the effects on the kids before they are allowed to non immunise!

Sorry, rant over!

So we have had forts; Enid Blyton story Cd's on constant repeat (Curious Connie is SUCH a pain);

getting everything out but not finding 'anything to do';

 and lots of silly message-bot notes.

The other family member is causing just as much fuss. I woke this morning to find the sewing room
on its way to being trashed....

only to find the 'Guardian of The Stash' flat out at work. She had knocked the doily box over in
 her efforts to get to the vintage pile!

Using part of the vintage stash also causes lots of fun- bunny kicks and crazy eyes! What have I created??????

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Creative Space

I've joined the dark side.....

I hope the force is strong in this one, hmm?

More groovy spaces over here

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Getting started on the BOM quilt.

After all my crazy wedding dress sewing of the last few weeks, this week I haven't been able to get off the couch! So I picked up the BOM blocks I've been getting, and started paper pieicng them.

It's quite addicitve!

3 down, I'm sure my stitching will improve by the end. I still can't quite believe I'm
 going to hand sew a queen sized quilt....

A while ago...

I got to pattern test for a friend. A school mum friend was going for a Fijian holiday for her 40th, and requested a bowling bag style bag- so she was gifted this! The Bus Stop Bag!

It says 'advanced" in the book- and I have to agree, HOWEVER- before you tune out thinking you won't be able to make it, I didn't have the Toiletry Bag pattern that you practice on first! Now that would have helped heehee.

Nikki's patterns are like a mini sewing lesson in a book. In fact, the classes she runs are even better as they have tea and snacks (and getting your book signed heehee)! So if you can't get down to her studio- do yourself a favour!