Tuesday, March 19, 2024

walking on the balance beam

in which our plucky heroine notices incremental progress...

When I woke this morning, I was able to get out of bed with significantly less pain, and thought with gratitude towards my body that it is automatically doing its best to be healed and functional. Not everyone can say that, and I will never not be grateful for when I can. Progress towards homeostasis is welcome, even though entropy always wins in the end, but for now I am very glad that my somatic reality is incrementally less fraught.

~ jersey applique ~
I've made good progress on the current hat project. Using scrap bits of jersey fabric appliqued in a vine motif along the upper edge of the brim, the process is going more quickly now that I have run a line of basting thread along the serpentine line where I want the vine. Leaves are cut freehand from the more colorful and patterned scrap, and the circular berries from the golden brown spots.

I think this will turn out to be a fun indoor hat to wear in the winter, for variety instead of a headscarf. Plucky heroine has less hair every year, and nowadays my head gets cold in the winter, even indoors. When I am outdoors, I wear a wide brimmed hat summer or winter, for better sun protection...

I'm doing more thinking about what projects I want to do this year, what projects need to be done, and what things I cannot do myself and will need help with. Starting to make lists and charts in my notebook, as it is all to easy for me to lose track and lose sight of what needs to be done, as I instead follow my changeable interests in various directions. I have a fairly good handle on my personal project ideas, just need to be more realistic about how much time to allot, which is usually more than I think is needed...

~ make tiny bees! ~

This looks like it could be fun, maybe for the miniature swap?

just realised I've not yet made a start on this years taxes! Time to plan out an hour or so each day until all that paperwork is completed, and today's hour will be spent in gathering together all the bits and bobs of receipts into one box. If I do a bit each day, all will be in order before the the middle of next month...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 red enamel samples
bathroom undersink access
some driveway moss
2 turn buttons
-recycle bin
3 6 tiny books
- yard waste bin
4 2 velour sports bras - recycle bin
5 Stromgard enamels
- recycle bin
6 velour sports bra
x yard waste bin
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x

today's gratitudes
1. homeostasis is still ahead of entropy,
2. two bike rides today
3. connecting with good friends online

Time of Isolation - Day 1354

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