Showing posts with label enamel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enamel. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

making and mending

in which our plucky heroine eats the frog...

well not literally, of course, but I did spend too many hours today doing admin tasks, which is one of my least favorite thing ever. (I'd even rather clean the bathroom fixtures than make phone calls) Got partway through one set of confustication, and made appointments to deal with two more. Will return to the fray tomorrow. Incremental progress is still progress.

~ so tiny and blue ~
On October 6th I mentioned the heraldic blue wolf enamel I had been commissioned to make, to embellish an SCA coronet, and today Cathyn sent me a photo of the completed project that it was made to decorate:

More mending: one of my wintertime underdress/slips was becoming worn out around the seamline between the skirt and the bodice, and was also too longwaisted. Why you may ask... because I rather cobble together these underlayers from various bits and bobs on hand; this one had originally been made from a thrifted and wonderfully embroidered black jersey skirt and a thrifted black rib-knit tank top. When the tank top wore out, I tried to copy it with a different fabric, which mostly worked but had a different stretch factor. The only part of this that anyone sees is the decorative hemline extending below my everyday pinafores, the rest merely provides wintertime insulation. Folding the slip at the bodice/skirt seam let me use the serger to clean finish the new seam as I cut away the worn parts and incidentally and insignificantly shortened the whole thing by about an inch

The two big spider plants in the south facing window have been direly in need of repotting, as for some reason they seem to push themselves up and out of the soil? (either that or they somehow consume the soil leaving themselves high and dry in midair, only tenuously connected to their roots?) Anyhow, after dinner it was time to tackle the largest of the three, and a long messy task that was, though satisfying. Now it needs to settle back and hopefully add new roots from the nodes that now are in contact into the fresh damp dirt.

October SMART goals (x=extra)
1 ScribeTober 1
removed frost
yard waste bin
2 blue wolf enamel
prune persimmon
old light crap
3 shibori scarf
tidy walking onions
recycle bin
4 robin and holly
acorn cap ornaments
string trim
parking strip
yard waste bin
5 Kenya skirt
long jane waistband
6 x black winter slip
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. made significant progress on the admin tasks, despite frustration
2. repotted the largest of the spider plants, and it will be able to return to its living room window home soon
3. my second round of testing (post antibiotic) came back clear of any bacteria...huzzah... buh-bye E.coli!

Time of Isolation - Day 1556

Sunday, October 6, 2024

shibori Saturday and other snippets

in which our plucky heroine is feeling blue, in more ways than one...

on the upside, creative cerulean enamelwork and indigo dyeing creative playtime, on the downside those sorts of nights where waking up at 3am with dark blue thoughts of wrong choices made and opportunities missed.

~ mood indigo ~
I am quite pleased with how my new linen gauze scarf turned out... the doubled horses teeth border surrounding a medallion of acorns and oak leaves taken from my SCA badge. Since I knew about the indigo dyeing demo at the local art store more than a week ahead, there was time enough to prepare this more structured shibori design. Quite a few days "spare time" went into yards and yards of running stitches. Even so, I was up far beyond my bedtime on Friday night, pulling up the stitchery as tightly as possible to form the resist pattern ready for dyeing:


After hours of work, (more than one would expect for something so tiny), I finally finished the Very Small (⅞") heraldic blue wolf enamel, and I shall ask C if he can send me a photo of the finished coronet, once it is set in place and all assembled.

thanks to Vestia for sharing this, it sure made me smile...

On a hunch, on Friday I took myself off to Immediate Care (the storefront doc-in-the-box for my health plan) when I realised that the ongoing pain in my back might be my kidney and not referred SI joint pain. While the quickie-tests were clear, the sample they decided to send off for culturing apparently came back chock full of bacteria, despite my not having any of the usual symptoms. Indeed, I got an early morning! call on Sunday! from the doctor to let me know that they wanted me on antibiotics right away. Do not pass go, do not collect $200...

October SMART goals (x=extra)
1 ScribeTober 1
-yard waste bin
2 blue wolf enamel
3 shibori scarf
- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. I now am on antibiotic medication for a systemic infection I have had for who knows how long. Hopefully this will reduce pain, help my body heal, and maybe even improve my mood...
2. My shibori project at the free indigo dyeing demo turned out really well
3. I am more than halfway done making my advent swap treats

Time of Isolation - Day 1546

Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday miscellany

in which our plucky heroine is feeling a bit swamped...

Tomorrow will be busy, I have six different tree services to phone and get risk assessment consults/estimates; asking friends to recommend helpful options was in fact quite useful. Turns out that there is also information on the city website about tree service providers, as well as information about possible replacement trees...  

~ Order of the Grey Goose Shaft ~
This medallion, started a while back, is completed and ready to be shipped to the recipient. It feels good to be back at the workbench again...

It occurred to me that the toile of the fingerless bike gloves could be useable, if I stitch down the serged seams to be neat and flat. The double layer improved version is better, but the toile is not that far off from the final pattern, and an extra set is always useful. A few hours of hand stitching would be a peaceful evening project

Sewing tasks for me in progress: gores for plaid flannel slip.
Sewing tasks for client upcoming: alterations on green wool cosplay Star Wars tunic, then altering pattern and making a green linen one for summer wear.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 4 tiny books
half front yard mowed
yard waste bin
2 10 tiny books
more front yard mowed
recycle bin
3 tiny footstools
replace cloudlight bulb
dead rosemary
4 acorn bowls
clean large paper lantern
yard waste bin
5 angora goat lino
pocket brown pinafore
yard waste bin
6 mini cushions
reframed raindrop print
recycle bin
7 copycat sunhat
partial backyard mowed wonky kitchen light
8 OGGS setting
front yard mowed
9 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. Chopped up cucumber mixed with yogurt and seasoned with Justice is really tasty, I like it better than tzatziki. My jar is almost empty, so I will need to order some more from Penzeys. I wish they still had their shop downtown near Powell's Books...
2. I started marking the kitchen ceiling in a four foot circle centered on the electric box. I think that the simplest option will be to use paint for improving the appearance. Maybe with some sponge texture...
3. I might be dog sitting later this summer, it will be fun to have Wellington as a guest again.

Time of Isolation - Day 1420

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

progress report

in which our plucky heroine is taking a breather...

or, one of the reasons I don't drink coffee!

~ well done ~
The heraldic enamels for the new Stromgard coronets are now completed; last night I turned off the kiln around 11:30 after the final firing. The white enamel detailing of the "mane" on the sea-horses was some of the most challenging enamel I have done, due to the minute scale and intense focus required. Even with the lighted magnifier, this is near the limit of what I can see clearly, and more importantly what I can manipulate. Just one wobble of the brush tip shaping the lines and it is all to do over again. And after the lines are shaped, the remainder of the surface needs to be very carefully examined to be sure that no grain or haze of enamel is left anywhere else on the surface, lest it be permanently attached in the heat of the kiln.

The painting enamel (finely powdered glass, rather like talcum powder), mixed with lavender oil, is first gently dabbed more or less into place with a 3/0 brush. Then once it is slightly less liquid, a 10/0 brush dampened with water is used to manipulate the oily mixture into more precise alignment to create lines finer than would be possible with cloisonné wire. (this is not the only way that painting enamel can be used, but is the way I most commonly find it useful in my work)

Tomorrow is Pie Day (3/14) and I've planned to make a pear tart in celebration. I made one last year in January, remember is as really tasty, managed to track down where I copied the recipe, and have several Bosc pears in the fridge...

This is a most peculiar and Bosch-esque piece of percussion...  (scroll down the video and turn on the sound)

This essay, by the artist Luann Udell is worth the time to read:

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 red enamel samples
bathroom undersink access
some driveway moss
2 turn buttons
-recycle bin
3 6 tiny books
- yard waste bin
4 2 velour sports bras - recycle bin
5 Stromgard enamels
- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x

today's gratitudes
1. I managed to complete the Stromgard enamels, and they look good to me, and hopefully to all concerned.
2. Albuterol. I very rarely need it, but when I do, having an inhaler that does the thing necessary makes a huge difference. My lungs, not my most functional body part, have never been "right" again since got sick while visiting family last year.
3. three good zoom meetings with family and friends

Time of Isolation - Day 1348

Saturday, March 9, 2024

spring forward

in which our plucky heroine plans to go to bed early...

in an attempt to foil the somatic confusion that always occurrs when the clocks change.

~ very small indeed ~
The enamel champlevé project has moved past the making samples stage and into the multiple trips in and out of the kiln stage. The two pieces now have their first layer of transparent blue. I'm very glad I decided to use a lighter blue than I first tried, as the champlevé cells intensify the color value. Next will be adding transparent green to the tiny laurel wreaths...

Last weekend I was chatting online with my pal Acantha, who mentioned that she and Gersvinda had gone to Kachka to eat pelmeni (dumplings) and other treats. I remembered seeing the packages in the freezer case at the grocery, so decided to try them as a slightly extravagant treat. Boy howdy those are tasty! I topped them with a dab of butter, a spoonful of greek yogurt in lieu of sour cream, and a splash of vinegar (this combination suggested on the package) If I had some fresh dill, that would have been a great addition...

I wonder how difficult it would be to DIY them, as I accidentally found out that Kachka also sells the special tool to form them into the charming little hexagons. It might be worth an attempt, to be able to add a different new option to my made ahead meals... There are a number of recipes online.

~ just the right size ~
Leah and her husband Randall like making pottery enough that they turned their attic into a pottery studio. I have a few lovely pieces that they have gifted me with over the years, and yesterday, when she came to visit with Ursel, she gave me this sweet celadon dessert bowl, much to my delight!

Not much sewing is happening, other than I have almost finished making two new very comfy cotton velour sports bras. Such a fast and easy project to complete, they take just about an hour from start to finish...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 red enamel samples
bathroom undersink access
some driveway moss
2 turn buttons
-recycle bin
3 6 tiny books
- yard waste bin
4 2 velour sports bras - recycle bin
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
today's gratitudes -
1. the new small pottery bowl from Leah is just the right size for small treats, like yogurt with fruit...
2. the cotton velour sports bras are much nicer on my skin than the harsh synthetic fabric used for conventional bras. I keep wondering if there is a way to construct a conventionally styled bra with fabric that was nice instead of nasty.
3. I managed to get the laundry off the clothesline before it was really rained on this morning. If I had put it out earlier Friday, I wouldn't have left it out overnight. Only the second attempt to line dry the washing this year...
Time of Isolation - Day 1344

Monday, March 4, 2024

Monday music and miscellany

in which our plucky heroine begins various things...

After a weekend marred by two visual migraines, today I am feeling much improved, and able to start working on samples for the next enameling project. I am collaborating again with Mr Dawson, who has asked me to do champlevé enamel on the two small shield shaped pieces he engraved in amazingly fine detail. Imagine this design on a shield only an inch tall total:
The blue waves and green Laurel wreaths will be done in transparent enamel, but as there is no I've not found any really good heraldic red transparent enamel (for use on silver), those portions will be opaque red. So, today was all about making assorted samples on very tiny discs to try all the options in my shelves of enamel colors, and also to start experimenting with how to achieve the additional details needed. I'm inclined to use opaque white 325 enamel for that. I'll be doing a bit more sampling tomorrow, to see if using lavender oil instead of water for the medium gives me cleaner lines on the sea beast's "mane". If we are satisfied with those results, I will be working on the actual pieces later this week.

Steady progress on making a set of tiny books for the solstice miniature swap, using an assortment of low denomination USPS postage stamps, that all have really pretty fruit artwork. My intention is to also create a tutorial, so as to encourage other folks who may want to make miniature books. It is fun, not impossibly difficult, and unlike enameling, uses ordinary household supplies!

Additional incremental progress on the refurbish the bathroom project - I realised that wooden turn buttons to hold the under sink access panel in place would be fairly simple to make. The first one has been carved and painted, to hold the edge near the tub closed, and one more under the center of the sink should be all that is needed. I'll do that one tomorrow, then attach them..

"Halley Came To Jackson"

bah! my overhead kitchen light isn't working; it had been very occasionally intermittent once or twice in the last several months. I can't tell if it is the switch or the fixture. It isn't the fuse box, since everything else in the kitchen has power and is still working (thankfully!)

I'm in the middle of actually working on enamel sampling for the upcoming job, and not very keen on instead researching how to diagnose electrical problems (which will require tools I don't own or know how to use) Plucky heroine is grumpy, and simply moved a table lamp into the kitchen temporarily. It is all rather soft focus and atmospheric there now, which is less than ideal for any activity that requires using sharp objects. I shall have to plan any actual food preparation to occurr during daylight hours.

Month SMART goals (x=extra)
1 red enamel samples
2 ---
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. Yesterday we had a 90th birthday zoom for my mom. My siblings were there in person, with their spouses and my youngest nephew, while I and the older nephews zoomed in from the west coast. It was bittersweet. I guess I am grateful that I had mom for as long as I did, and 90 is a venerable age to achieve, even though dementia marrs her elder years. I hope she enjoyed the balloons, and the cupcake, and the visit.

2. Instead of walking just around the blocks, I detoured through the alley, and was delighted to see flowering quince tumbling over the fence from someone's yard, the orangey-pink flowers always make me happy. There are various spring bulbs here and there, and this morning a tree just chock full of robins. It is still cold and raw and wet most of the time, but spring is on the way.

3. I have a moveable table lamp, which normally sits on the dining table, so I was able to put it in the kitchen when the kitchen light stopped working. Not ideal, but better than nothing. I have it pointed towards the ceiling, to bounce the light and get as much general illumination as possible. Might try and get a brighter LED bulb as an additional temporary improvement until I can solve the problem.

Time of Isolation - Day 1340

Saturday, March 2, 2024

oh so bizzy

in which our plucky heroine enjoys a rare treat...

The guest space here at Acorn Cottage held guests overnight on Friday. We did things together, we cooked and ate a meal together... my internal batteries of well being are no longer entirely running on empty.

~ well underway ~
The black Lettlopi yarn that arrived recently is doing just what I'd hoped for, providing a distinct edge for the body of the cardigan. Knitted on I-cord is a good way to border a garment, being both stable and flexible. The vintage wooden toggles, that I tucked away for safekeeping in the box full of assorted Lopi and Lettlopi yarn (and promptly forgot I'd done so) will finally get to escape the button basket and fulfill their destiny!

Friday morning we girded our loins for a trip to Costco, which is always a challenge. I only ever shop there two or three times a year, for the few necessary staple items only available there, and it seems each time it is even more crowded, to the point of seeming like bumper cars inside the store. I was bashed into by other shoppers who backed up without looking. Thankfully the parking lot, while crowded, is less fraught! 

Later in the day on Friday, my friends and I prepared and ate a Thai-inspired dinner: variations on Pad See Ew (noodles with broccoli and chicken in a sweet savory sauce), and on what they call Swimming Angel Baby Rama (spinach with a tahini coconut sauce). We made changes to adapt to our assorted food sensitivities, and while there were no prizes for authenticity, it was all Very Tasty indeed. I turned part of a jar of mango apricot juice into small gelatin desserts, inspired by the mango jello I used to enjoy 30 years ago at Sun Ya in Seattle.

The engraved champlevé pieces to be enameled arrives via courier. OMG, the renowned Mr Dawson has outdone himself, creating heraldic images at such a small scale. And apparently intends me to add cloisonné details to something no bigger than my fingernail. I suspect know that will require thinner wire than what I normally use, if it is even possible! Time for more experimentation...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 - --
2 ---
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. a successful trip to Costco, thanks to friends. It gets more exhausting and overwhelming each time, but there are a few staple items that need bought two or three times a year: usually TP, pecans, and Tillamook bricks. This visit I added in eye meds, and some grass fed ground beef.
2. VISITORS!! I had almost a whole day with my friends (before they had to head out to to play music for the dance at the event tonight) We even fit in a bit of just walking around the neighborhood together, in the sunbreaks between the rain or the wintry mix.
3. Today I found both the things I misplaced. The toggles for my new cardigan project were in the box of Lopi yarn. My current bujo was tucked in with the cookbooks instead of with the other past journals.
4. The leftovers from the Thai-inspired dinner we cooked yesterday made a delicious lunch, and then a delicious dinner for me today. Made me smile to remember cooking and eating together with two friends. A now Very Uncommon and Rare pleasure that I never take for granted these days
5. I managed to clear off the dining table, which had become one of those Horizontal Surfaces of Magnetic Junk Attraction for far too long. Now it is once again a place where meals can be eaten, or writing or drawing take place while looking out the front window to see the weather and the botanical activity, and possibly the antics of Bob the wayward squirrel
6. Borrowing the Fiskars paper trimmer is another treat. It is so much easier to cut the strips for making miniature text blocks! This (older) style trimmer uses a regular large rotary blade, and clamps the paper in place while you trim, so comparatively safe and very effective. I am going to prep as much as I can before they pick it up on their way home tomorrow.

Time of Isolation - Day 1338

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wednesday in the workroom...

in which our plucky heroine puts everything else on hold...

The current enameling commision, which is on a timeline, needs to be completed and mailed out ASAP, so until it is done there will be little else happening here at Acorn Cottage, other than basic maintenance of self and surroundings.

~ everso smol ~
This afternoon I started on the smallest enameling I have ever been asked to do. The flower, stamped in the 4 mm silver discs, is only 2½ mm across; even with my lighted magnifier it is hard to see the details. There will be many of these little enamels set as cabachons to decorate a coronet that my friend Bill is making

Music of the Mediæval and Renaissance
- just found a link to this recently, and it will be pleasing to have some new things to listen to while I am working, or cooking, or whatever...

This morning, between my zoom meetings, I was able to take half the Advent Swap boxes to the post office, and get them mailed out with tracking numbers. The rest will be mailed out on Friday. Fortunately the nice postal clerk was on duty, and was completely unfazed by my peculiar project. He even suggested a possible helpful change for next year, for the tracking, if that option is still available.

November SMART goals (x=extra)
1 6 jars quince jelly
glove thumb re-knit
yard waste bin
2 tiny tiger stripe dress
persimmon pruningrecycle bin
3 Elphinore brooch
steamer basket
imperfect cold packs
4 candied quince
shadowbox painted
recycle bin
5 dried pears
fridge bracket gone
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. enamel project is doable... I had concerns
2. I realised that the annoying locking bracket at the base of my fridge (which has been rusting away for the last ten or fifteen years now) might be detatchable. And used my phone to look underneath the fridge. And then used the tiny offset ratcheting screwdriver to back out the screws, and now it is gone for good.
3. I have tools. I have a decent assortment of tools, (if never quite enough). In fact, I am Tool Girl.

Time of Isolation - Day 1238

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Saturday and Sunday

in which our plucky heroine is pleased...

There was a modicum of positive activity this weekend... Progress on my knitting happened, as I slowly wend my way across the cardigan back and towards the second arm opening. There was bike riding in the sunshine. There was laundry, including bleaching all the dishcloths. All the ripe pears are currently in the food dehydrator, and by tomorrow they should be done and I can start on the persimmons. There was a trip to the farmer's market. There was some reorganisation of the workroom space, just a start...  

~ so much fun! ~
Today I spent time assembling the boxes, and then taking the tiny Advent gifts from their individual bags and redistributing them into the correct assortments so everyone in the swap gets various treats and no one gets their own offerings returned... the entire top of my worktable is covered with little fixed rate postal cartons. This is delightful!

Saturday, managed to move the plywood sheet (used to protect the plum tree from being fried by the AC during the summer) from the side of the house back into the carport, without harming myself. Remembered to get the rubberized gloves to get a really good grip, before splinters occurred. Next year this will not be required, as the AC will be moving to a different window that doesn't blow hot air onto any of the fruit trees.

The teeny tiny enamel blanks for Bill's project arrived today, they are so very small, maybe 3+ mm in diameter? I will have to fire them on mica, which Bill thoughtfully included in the small packet.

November SMART goals (x=extra)
1 6 jars quince jelly
glove thumb re-knit
yard waste bin
2 tiny tiger stripe dress
persimmon pruningrecycle bin
3 Elphinore brooch
steamer basket
imperfect cold packs
4 candied quince
shadowbox painted
recycle bin
5 -
- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. love living in a neighborhood where I know (at least some of) my neighbors to wave to in their cars, or to say hello on the street, or in the case of my Good Neighbors, to ask for help
2. managed to get to the farmers market on Saturday and find some garlic to plant, using the last of my market scrip before it expired
3. best Crafternoon in a long time because Rois, and Vesta both showed up, I've not seen them in ages... not that I am not also grateful for my regular attendees Beth, Karen, and Ursel...

Time of Isolation - Day 1235

Thursday, July 13, 2023

make and mend

in which our plucky heroine has taken up afternoon napping...

I am not sure why this is becoming a thing, other than perhaps as a counterpart to the waking up at first light. But if that means I can continue to keep the house fairly cool during these heat advisory alerts, I will put up with the falling asleep at around 3pm...

~ Pelican regalia ~
I spent all my functional two-handed time yesterday building the setting and setting the enamel. By the time it was complete, I was done, at least done with all the tasks that needed both my hands. I am really happy with how this one turned out, and so was C when she came to pick it up this morning...

Today we managed to get the zoom room to work, and I was able to have a bit more than a half hour video visit with Mom... She was more conversationally engaged than the last time we chatted which gave me good feelings. She was happy to hear that I will be visiting her in the future. Also when I phoned in a bit earlier to try and connect with Bethany, the person who answered the phone (not Bethany) said she knew who my mom was, and that they all liked her.

Back in 2015 I made a grey popover summer dress, which I loved dearly and wore often. Eight years is a good long lifespan for a rayon garment, and earlier this year the fabric under my daypack strap zone became completely abraded. There was plenty of fabric still left in the lower half of the dress that large patches could be cut to replace the outer edges of the upper half to down below the worn away bits, and my hope and intention is to get a bit more wear from it as a popover top (to be worn under or over a pinafore)

Finally sorted out the paperwork issues for my medical supplies. Only took two weeks of my making almost daily phone calls to the pharmacy and my PCP clinic. The pharmacy manager now knows me by name. Fortunately we manage to laugh about the dreadful and ridiculous topsy turvy issues to sort things like this out, and fortunately the prescription that was bollixed was not one that was mission critical, just somewhat challenging to do without.

July SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Pelican enamel
many apples thinned
recycle bin
2 Pelican setting
grapevines cut back
yard waste bin
3 -backyard mowed
recycle bin
4 - side yard mowed
5 -grey popover mended
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. persistence and humor in the face of gummint paperwork
2. the Pelican is off on its journey to July Coronation - I don't go to the event, but my handicraft does
3. ice cubes, and a chest freezer to keep them frozen and keep making more

Time of Isolation - Day 1116

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tuesday tidbits

in which our plucky heroine maintains forward momentum...

My hand is improved enough that I can manage to use it for delicate work, though not yet for anything requiring strength. Some house chores are getting done.

I made a wonderful (if incidentally vegetarian) lasagna a few days ago - used up spinach I had steamed (chopped small) and some rehydrated dried shitaki (also chopped small and then sauteed with onion) as inner layers, along with cheese and my homemade tomato sauce. I usually add some cooked chopped meat or sausage, but all the meat is buried some ways down in the freezer, and I didn't want to try and rummage around with one hand. The mushrooms served the same function albeit with a different flavor profile, and I will definitely remember to try this combination again!

~ outdoor views ~
This is the underside of a lovage seed head... The plant itself is pretty architectural, the blossom stalks are taller than I am. I planted it for the taste of the leaves, which occasionally are used in soups and stews etc. It is a stronger version of the celery flavor, and since it is perennial, I will probably have it forever, which form of  "celery self sufficiency" was my intention. (While the seeds can be pickled, and were so in Roman times, the one time I tried it I didn't end up using them. Maybe next year I will try again and see if they would work well similar to capers?)

So very happy that my pal Tamra came over here on Monday in the middle of the day to cut back my shaggy yard. She did yeoman service in making the backyard passable again, which was not an easy task. The yard is not flat, and parts had been neglected since early spring. Now I have access to do needed pruning, and cut back the things that the string trimmer couldn't tackle, and prune back the apple tree, and hack away at the Feral Rosebushes so they don't hack away at me, and suchlike. She also cut the grass in the south side yard, I can now get to the quince and the plum to keep them pruned back as well. I will have to think of something really nice to do for her, since she did such a nice thing for me!

~ regalia - it is what I make ~
I've been working every day on this current Pelican medallion, which must needs completed before the event this weekend. Grateful that my bruised hand is continuing to recover enough that I can work. Today I am beginning to build the pendant setting for this piece, slowly and carefully. Another few hours and it will be completed, the enamel set, and the whole thing polished and packed for travel...

Sometimes I feel like my writing here is becoming very boring, but this blog is after all a somewhat attenuated record of my everyday life, which is purposely not terribly exciting. I am continuing to do most of the various things in my life, albeit slowly.

It sort of alarms me when my "things made" column is empty, so completing the current enamel was a bit of a relief. I'm thinking that one of the four other enamels waiting for me to build their settings might be better need to be redone, as the background is looking like it might crack, which would be a disaster were it to happen once it leaves my studio. It would be another two or three days work to redo the enamel, but that time is well worth it compared to harming my good name.

July SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Pelican enamel
many apples thinned
recycle bin
2 -grapevines cut back
3 -backyard mowed
4 - side yard mowed
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. cool mornings, and waking up early so I can enjoy them
2. My pal Tamra who went way above and beyond to mow my yard
3. pruning the sage plant is a way to enjoy the delightful scent... it isn't finished yet though, because I don't want to remove the parts that are still flowering, because bumblebees!

Time of Isolation - Day 1114

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

give it a rest already...

in which our plucky heroine imitates the Red Queen...

...for the last few days it has been one medusoid damnthing after another, and I keep somehow doing my best to sort out the tangles, only to have new ones arise.

I have been waiting for my hand to be recovered enough from the fall on Monday, ie less swollen, that I can return to my studio work. I should be able to begin again probably either this evening or tomorrow morning, and can begin on the blue pelican medallion. Fortunately the wires are already shaped. One could wish that there was not a red alert head advisory, but I will have to just cope, using hydration and evaporative cooling.

Not being able to do handwork is challenging my equanimity, as is not being able to ride my bicycle, those being my two accessible forms of stress relief and mental health maintenance... I can envision a day that is a counterbalance to the now, and if it ever shows up, I will welcome it with gratitude. (that those counterbalance days live mostly in the Before Times is another story entirely, that I have found any equilibrium in the last three years is still surprising to me)

I have begun planning my trip back East to see my mother. So, I guess it is time to get another booster vaccine to try and increase my viral resistance before traveling. And to try and track down my travel gear, and decide on how little I can manage with, since these days checking baggage is an extra fee, and with my arm and hand all wonky, I don't think I will be able to lift a full if small carry-on into the overhead bins. My first attempt to make an airline reservation did not take into account the travel time from where my brother lives to the airport, or into account the needing to be at the airport two hours ahead of departure. I was fortunately able to change my return ticket to a flight that would not require asking my brother to get up in the wee small hours of the night.

Unfortunately, my outgoing flight has a very similar problem, since the MAX Red Line to the airport here is undergoing renovation until at least October; I will need to start the long journey day by getting up around 4AM, spend two hours on workaround transit, two hours sitting around at the airport, and then over five hours in the air. I so miss how just a few years ago that taking the train was a spendy but possible option, and I was able to enjoy several cross country trips that were a true vacation rather than an endurance and obstacle course!

July SMART goals (x=extra)
1 - --
2 ---
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. during my art zoom with Leslie, she came up with the idea that the next few weeks of my recovery could be a kind of sabbatical, where I did research and sketching (which only needs one hand) in service to future artistry. Having an art pal is such a treat
2. my insomnia that has me waking up at 4:30 before dawn is allowing me to run the fans while it is actually coolish outside, which is keeping the house slightly cooler.
3. the medusoid damnthings have not crushed me.

Time of Isolation - Day 1109

Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday fragments

in which our plucky heroine does her best...

Sometimes incremental progress is really incremental indeed. That said, I am moving forward bit by bit on my enameling work, as well as in textilia projects, and housey chores...

I've been working on yet another Pelican medallion, somehow summertime is when this sort of regalia is most in demand... I rather wish it was more needed in the winter, when turning on the kiln was a treat. (1300 to 1500°F really warms up the workroom)

Textilia updates: I have been steadily stitching one square of the Moody Blues patchwork every day. Only a few more squares and the top of the coverlet will be complete. It will be a pretty change to have it as a warm weather bed covering. 

More than half of the rainbow tablet weaving is completed, and soon it will be time to decide how best to use that, as a headband or as a hatband on a simple headdress.

The rainbow linen gauze cowl is complete; with all the edges and seams handstitched. It turned out to be fairly easy to remove enough weft threads from the edge of the fabric to be able to stitch the edges with some of the same linen, and the linen itself is of good enough quality that it held up well to such use. I've chosen (for now) to not add little tassels to the edges as I just couldn't figure out what color(s) would work well, and can always go back and add them if a better idea occurs to me in the future...

I was poking around online to see if I could find any way to make a really smooth-textured hummus. I've been removing the skins on the canned garbanzo beans already, but it still is sort of more "chunky" than I prefer. One recipe I found said that a ten minute simmer with ½ tsp of baking soda would make a big difference. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I gave it a try... lo and behold, it really softened up the canned beans, and the resulting hummus was the best textured I have yet made. Using the Soom tahini also made a big difference in improving the flavor. I wish I'd had some fresh lemon and fresh garlic, but needs must use what is on hand, and I am grateful for bottled juice and garlic granules... The hummus will make a nice lunch for the next several days, particularly combined with some salad and the gluten-free flatbread I recently made (still need to figure out how to cook that on the stovetop without burning the pan, as both the cast iron griddle (that I used the first time, and a heavy steel frying pan (that I used the second time) both ended up with carbonised surfaces that needed much elbow grease to return to useable condition

It has been a rough week in the lower spine, and I just haven't felt like checking in here. I have been doing various stretches in addition to my PT exercises, and my back  is very slightly better than a week ago, but only slightly... Hopefully my next acupuncture visit will help.

There have also been all sorts of paperwork confusions with renewing my prescriptions, despite they are things I have been using for many years now. Each day I either talk to the pharmacy or to my primary care doctor office and get told something different each time. It is really frustrating. I hope it gets sorted out before I run out of medication completely.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 some quilt squares
tea rose temperature
rose and grapevines
2 tinyprint fox
partial backyard mown
some grass
3 arm protectors
Acantha cereal bowl
some more grass
4 moar quilt squares
tie dye scarf
recycle bin
5 tinyprint fan
white horse print frame
yard waste bin
6 denim daypack
rewarp rainbow Laurel
yard waste bin
7 yet more patchwork
x recycle bin
8 rainbow cowl
x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. improved hummus texture hack
2. a slightly reorganised pantry... I was able to put away about half the wayward canned goods, and my kitchen countertops are a lot more clear. I've also a better idea of what is in the pantry, and therefore what I do or don't need to can up this autumn.
3. Despite stupid levels of pain, I've managed to do some work, and also do small things that unfuck my habitat, each day this week.

Time of Isolation - Day 1104

Monday, June 5, 2023

Monday music and miscellany

in which our plucky heroine makes incremental progress in various directions...

Almost done wirebending the new Laurel enamel wires. Today was a very scattered day, full of what felt like random care tasks, and peculiar exhaustion (not that peculiar, since I slept really poorly last night) and I had to put off turning on the kiln, but tomorrow should see good progress. If I get enough done this evening, I may turn it on just long enough to do the counter enameling. Nope, still too tired, and fire arts when not fully alert are bad.

~ daypack project ~
Every day I try and make a bit of headway on the new daypack (for me)... At this point, the whole front panel is completed, as I added the sides. I am still really happy with the Cada Johnson decorative patch on the front pocket. This past weekend I put together the layered straps. I still need to assemble the back panel, the inner liner with it's own zippered pocket, and various small attachment pieces, but steady progress will have this done this month if all goes well.

~ Moody Blues quilt ~
Sewing a new square every day is now more than a quarter done with filling in the sides of the patchwork. I realised that in order to get the patches to give me the overall even distribution of printed fabrics that I need to lay out the squares prior to stitching them together. This is one of the aspects that formerly stumped me years ago; now I just have the already finished parts draped across the futon, and can mix and match the cut pieces to the best effect. Still don't love patchwork, but it will be a beautiful summertime coverlet when it is finished. The most worn of my flannel flat sheets will be the inner layer, and there is, of course, the pretty blue rocket ship flannel sheet I bought twenty years ago to be the backing.

Well... that was frustrating. The USPS app said my rainbow floss was out for delivery today, but the postie never put anything at all in my mailbox, though they did pick up the utility bills! Hopefully the floss will arrive tomorrow, and wasn't delivered to someone else's house.

~ a tune for today ~


June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 quilt squares
tea rose temperature
2 ---
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. today I did a test while cooking dinner, and it turns out that broccolini stems do not need to be peeled; they cook up tender enough to not be annoying, unlike actual broccoli.
2. I can still ride my bike, I can still walk around. I never am not grateful for this
3. Almost done with Mt Dishmore.

a bird list for Kestrel: House Finch, Scrub Jay, Crow, Dark Eyed Junco, Starlings, Peacocks.

Time of Isolation - Day 1080

Friday, June 2, 2023

FAFO and other fragments

in which our plucky heroine manages temperatures in several aspects...

Keep on moving fans around at different times today, as enameling was on the schedule so I tried to get the house as cool as possible beforehand. I also rode my bike to the hardware store in the cool of the early morning, cool enough that I wanted my chore jacket, and got some duct tape to build my first Corsi-Rosenthal box.

Seen while out and about on my bicycle...

figured out why I like the mango coleslaw so much, it reminds me of Frisco chicken - note to self, try making some teriyaki chicken to go with, the next time I make some...

~ fun for FAFO ~
Concomitant with Pride Month, the FAFO Garb Challenge sort of exploded this last week in the online SCA community starting here in An Tir and gathering speed all around the Known World. "The FAFO Garb challenge: Make a period(ish) outfit inspired by a pride flag (or multiple) or a cultural reference that means something to you. Wear it to your group’s Yule/12th night celebrations and post pictures - that gives us 6-7 months to do this! ... Let’s take up space. Let’s be visible. We are here, and our SCA is Inclusive, and there is no place for hate in the SCA."

This, and the discussions and comments over on FB as this idea took root and spread, gave me a lot of food for thought, about how I wanted to participate, given that I am not attending in-person indoor events, and about things I rarely ever think about regarding my identity, and about what would be appropriate, (and fun) to add to my SCA wardrobe. I decided that I could start with a new tablet-woven Laurel headband, with the laurel leaves in rainbow stripes. These, and some other ideas (new panova in rainbow plaid wool? new headwrap/veil in rainbow striped linen) I have are very much in the "C is for Creative" end of the SCA, rather than in the historical end, but we actually do live in both worlds. And someday I hope to be able to go to SCA events again, at least some of the outdoor ones, maybe even later this summer??

Well that was super annoying! One of the three enamels I have been working on all this week failed - the background turned an strange murky brownish color instead of transparent golden yellow. Bah! Now I need to create a new backing disk, complete with engraving and stamping, and a new set of cloisonne wires, and I am darn good and sure to make a new bunch of samples to see if I can suss out what went wrong before starting over on that one. Fortunately the other two seem to be behaving...

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 - temperature/tea rose
2 ---
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitudes -
1. our first attempt to zoom with Mom on Wednesday went well, it will be repeated each week from now going forward...
2. My beloved Mud Bay pals passed their final inspection and received their official "Certificate of Occupancy". They can, finally after all these years, move back into their house!
3. I might be behindhand, but after a day of experimentation, I think I figured out what the variable was that caused the issues with the enamel, and what to do about it. Temperature. If I keep the kiln around a hundred degrees or so lower than my usual 1500F, the transparent golden color seems more stable. I did a few additional tests with transparent flux, as I will need to use that to avoid the yellow turning orange/pink. I also prepared a new base plate with engraving and stamping. Tomorrow I will work on bending the cloisonne wires. It also occurred to me that the enamel with the color shift in the background could have a solid opaque background instead, rather than being scrapped. Hmmmm...

a bird list for Kestrel: House Finch, Scrub Jay, Crow, Dark Eyed Junco, Starlings, Peacocks.

Time of Isolation - Day 1077

(for my Mud Bay Pals)