Costco trip today, with Helga, who came and picked me up after my medical appointment. TP, a Tillamook (sharp) brick, 4# butter, 2 bags of pecans, and I splurged by adding a bag of frozen blueberries and some rolled oats. Total at the till was over $125, but I won't need another Costco run for months, as I usually go only two or three times a year at most. Eight tiny blue plastic dragons were attached to a strand of beads with loops on each end, so they can be sent to Mud Bay for Kestrel's tinyfolk; a decorative garland for their tiny house. I'm not sure how or why there were 8 tiny blue plastic dragons here on my dining table, someone obviously sent them to me??
Another day with howling wind and rain... very glad I had work done on the front yard trees last year, or there would likely have been arboreal mayhem. When the weather calms down, I have various ideas, like meeting with Kate to pick up the envelopes for the Art Exchange and hopefully some walking and visiting time. Like heading over to the art store to get a piece of linoleum big enough to do my planned print. Like doing some pruning and yard clean up, and putting the several missing bulbs I found into a planter pot (though I may do that sooner if I can manage to catch a sunbreak) Like re-potting tiny rhubarb, which is starting to unfurl and could use larger quarters!
Tomorrow I plan on cooking some lemony goodness. Lemon Potatoes, and maybe some Lemon Crinkle Cookies. Also took two talenti tub out of the freezer, one of rhubarb chunks, and one of strawberries, and they will be turned into sauce, and seasoned with the blood orange I found in the produce drawer of the fridge.
Here, have some heartfelt music for Monday...
February SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | "wing it" vest | more broach handles | recycle bin |
2 | tiny valentines | black keyboard covers | recycle bin |
3 | heartfelt ornament | turtleneck collar | - |
4 | dragon garland | laptop drivers | - |
5 | - | rainbow fibulae | - |
6 | x | bucket handle | - |
7 | x | x | x |
8 | x | x | x |
9 | x | x | x |
today's gratitudes -
1. Helga is always good company, so kind and helpful. Plus she cleverly went to TJ prior to picking me up for our Costco run, so that meant that it only took a few minutes waiting at the medical building before she arrived
2. My cooking ahead meant that today I need do no cooking at all, just heating up tasty food. Which is good, since I was completely exhausted after getting up at o'dark thirty...
3. napping when tired, with Brother Cadfael audiobooks to push this timelines troubles away temporarily
Time of Isolation - Day 1683