This afternoon it warmed up to around 75F. Pleasant, although completely inappropriate! Wishing very much that it not be a precursor of summer. Last night the sky was a beautiful pale blue with many many horizontal streaks of pale pink clouds, and had I been somewhere other than surrounded by buildings, there would have been a photo! ...really wish I wasn't allergic to these..
After looking for a week, finally found the grey linen I'd set aside to patch my old pinafore. (hiding in plain sight with the other linen fabrics...) It isn't a great match any more, as the actual garment has faded over the years, but still the best I've on hand. I'm hoping to get another year or two of wear, to give me time to make a new grey pinafore.
Used two worm gear clamps to connect long bamboo and long dowel, to finally reach the "tree rat" nest and break it apart. Wasn't easy, as reaching upwards with my neck bent far back (so as to be able to see what I was doing) made me dizzy. Seemed apparent from the debris that it was indeed much too early for babies in the nest, thankfully. A woman walking by thought I was knocking a bird nest down!! I explained that no, it was squirrels. She thought they lived in holes in the ground!
Made it to the post office just before they closed, to mail a strip of rainbow plaid wool to Karen for a hatband. Then I decided to take the bus to the library (to pick up my books on hold) which means a long ride to the Hollywood Library in NE, as both the branch libraries on the peninsula are shut down.
~ "One Thing To Try", Robert Hunter, 1975 ~
~ "One Thing To Try", Robert Hunter, 1975 ~
"...Take care of your people, get some of them fed
Hide the ones in trouble out under your bed
Keep an eye to the future, an ear to the past
After thinking it over notice nothing much lasts.
If you're in a hurry, I really go to go
If you're in a hurry, might have to find out slow
That it's one thing to try, another to fly,
You get there quicker just a step at a time,
It's one thing to bark and another to bite,
The show ain't over til you pack up at night.
Don't ever let it get the best of you
Plan what you can, let the rest shine through
Just so many angles you can possibly see
Got to figure on those and let the other ones be
Don't be out collecting more than you need
Got a lot of things growing, keep watching those seeds.
Share in December what you plant in May
If the harvest is empty, find some other good way..."
Hide the ones in trouble out under your bed
Keep an eye to the future, an ear to the past
After thinking it over notice nothing much lasts.
If you're in a hurry, I really go to go
If you're in a hurry, might have to find out slow
That it's one thing to try, another to fly,
You get there quicker just a step at a time,
It's one thing to bark and another to bite,
The show ain't over til you pack up at night.
Don't ever let it get the best of you
Plan what you can, let the rest shine through
Just so many angles you can possibly see
Got to figure on those and let the other ones be
Don't be out collecting more than you need
Got a lot of things growing, keep watching those seeds.
Share in December what you plant in May
If the harvest is empty, find some other good way..."
The art store has quarter sheets of Canson Mi Tiens art paper in many colors, though all I was looking for was black. My idea is to make miniature dark sketchbooks, with miniature white art pencils from sewing marker leads. I've several artist folks who also love the tinyworld...
February SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | "wing it" vest | more broach handles | recycle bin |
2 | tiny valentines | black keyboard covers | recycle bin |
3 | heartfelt ornament | turtleneck collar | squirrel nest |
4 | dragon garland | laptop drivers | recycle bin |
5 | strawberry rhubarb sauce | rainbow fibulae | yard waste bin |
6 | x | bucket handle | - |
7 | x | x | x |
8 | x | x | x |
9 | x | x | x |
today's gratitudes -
1. (alarmingly inappropriate) today was pleasantly warm...
2. Mindy's husband Larry is going to help me get my bike to the bike mechanic...
3. The last of the packets of art for the exchange arrived today
Time of Isolation - Day 1686