Over the last few days, have repeatedly girded loins and spent numerous hours doing admin, and have hopefully come to a brief resting spot in the various bits of official paperwork that needs doing. Still a lot further to go, but for the weekend there is time for rest and recreation, a nice long bike ride, and some walking around the neighborhood. Trees are starting to turn color here and there, and I just noticed today that the tree full of quinces is ready to be harvested, as they are becoming fragrant. (I sniffed at them a week ago and nada, so...)
Today I added the finishing touches to the Spooky Season overalls for Almandine: a festive embroidered jack-o-lantern on the chest pocket! It was necessary to pay a visit yesterday to Sewlarium, as I'd no orange floss at all... Finally all four of my current tinyfolk have something special to wear for the holiday later this month, and to dress up in when I take my photos for the challenge I am sponsoring over at Tiny Rag Doll Nation on Ravelry.
Found the missing edge binding fabric for the raincoat project, which was the final part needed to move forward. For some unknown reason it was on the soldering bench, underneath a pile of papers to be recycled?! Since the autumnal weather is here with enthusiasm, getting the raincoat finally put together is an excellent plan.
Being tired of being annoyed by the kitchen oil dispenser every time it was used, which was pretty much every day (it somehow oozed oil (from the cap?) so that the top was always slightly greasy, as was the saucer it lived atop on the kitchen shelf), it was the last straw when the counterbalanced cap decided to stop working and remain stuck in the open position. I decided that the OXO 5oz precision dispenser might be a better option. It is a bit smaller than my current container, but it is eversomuch better configured. Not only does the spout not drip at all, but the innards of the cap are removable, so that the entire thing can be periodically scrubbed clean. I am sorely tempted to get a second one for the tamari, which is also being stored in a sub par container. (I keep the large "back-stock" of those in the pantry, but like having small dispensers handy...
October SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | ScribeTober 1 | removed frost | yard waste bin |
2 | blue wolf enamel | prune persimmon | old light crap |
3 | shibori scarf | tidy walking onions | recycle bin |
4 | robin and holly acorn cap ornaments | string trim parking strip | yard waste bin |
5 | Kenya skirt | long jane waistband | recycle bin |
6 | pumpkin overalls | black winter slip | x |
7 | x | x | x |
8 | x | x | x |
9 | x | x | x |
today's gratitudes -
1. I ordered a DVD of "Over The Garden Wall" as my October treat, and it should be delivered next week.
2. The new cooking oil dispenser works better than any I have had in the past, which makes me very happy indeed. Just as poor design drives me bonkers, good design is a delight
3. I picked up an assortment of acorn caps in various sizes, some of which should work well as a base for miniature vintage style Halloween candy buckets.
Time of Isolation - Day 1559