...I voted, and decided to take my ballot to the public library because they have an indoor locked ballot deposit box, given the appalling arson vandalism of outdoor ballot boxes in both WA and OR. I doubt that (at least currently ) anyone is going to light a deposit box on fire INSIDE the library, so it felt like a more secure if less convenient option...
Alphabet noodles - they are not just for soup... one of the things I am making (for the Tiny Rag Doll Nation "Spooky Season" prize collection) is another miniature holiday bunting, but a bit different style than the one above... Instead of gluing letters directly to the thread, I have added many little paper flags first, then glued the "trick or treat"to each individual one.
I managed to get to the Hollywood Farmer's Market on Saturday, and bought some "Habanada" peppers to try... they have a unique flavor, complex but not hot, and I want to try lacto-fermenting them. Also try out some of the lower bok choy stems, that are thick and crisp, but not hard like carrots.
currently reading:
The Art of Dying Well by Katy Butler... I read this a number of years ago, and found it valuable enough to keep in my own library. Now that I am having to deal with various aspects of aging, advance directive updates and the complexity of my parent's legacy, it is obvious to me that a re-read would be useful, but it is proving more difficult going, as the topics covered are more immediately relevant. The book talks about the various stages of "as we age" and things to think about as good to prepare in our thoughts and in our actions, and how we set up our surroundings both internal and external.
and Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway (a guide to home-scale permaculture) This book is so full of content that I know it will take me a while to even begin to digest the ideas. I am pleased to find out that there is a whole concept, that of the "keyhole" that explains the vague idea I was trying to articulate about how I wished the outside of my house was structured. I suspect that I will learn a lot in the reading and re-reading
Most of the mutual aid apples were turned into applesauce, which will be most welcome addition to meals this winter.
October SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | ScribeTober 1 | removed frost | yard waste bin |
2 | blue wolf enamel | prune persimmon | old light crap |
3 | shibori scarf | tidy walking onions | recycle bin |
4 | robin and holly acorn cap ornaments | string trim parking strip | yard waste bin |
5 | Kenya skirt | long jane waistband | recycle bin |
6 | pumpkin overalls | black winter slip | yard waste bin |
7 | Textile Livestock | harvested quince | recycle bin |
8 | applesauce | pruned apple | x |
9 | x | x | x |
today's gratitudes -
1. a surprise porch visit from Ashe and his family! (I got to meet Mackayla and Isao!!)
2. Heather came down to PDX this weekend, and brought me some more of her excellent sourdough bread
3. my Fiskars papercutter is very useful
Time of Isolation - Day 1568