Saturday, May 7, 2022

Saturday snippets

in which our plucky heroine gets a surprise...

So there was a Royal Ethereal Court this morning, and I was honored to receive a Goutte de Sang. For those not in the SCA, that is a kingdom level award given in An Tir, for (in my case) recognition of my volunteer efforts in the scribal community. I was quite surprised. It has made me really happy for the last several years to have figured out something I enjoy doing that is also of service to the group. I've gotten so much pleasure for so long from being involved, it feels really good to be able to share and give back some of that joy to other folks...

time in the tinyworld:
The new Irish sheep (with spectacular horns) meets the current ovine resident of my tinyworld... I figured that having them meet outside, in the gentle light of evening was the best plan. While the new sheep arrived yesterday, a gift from my friends who vacationed in Ireland, my other sheep was needlefelted back in 2010 as part of my entry in an online challenge. I guess my tiny friends are doing a bit of urban farming, since they already have a rabbit hutch, and now two sheep! Good thing that Tansu Terrace does not have restrictive zoning...

I woke up way too early this morning, like maybe 5 o'clock, and when I fell back asleep, had an odd dream that Bill came visiting, with a new studio helper who looked like Suzanna but wasn't and instead of beloved Toshi, had a pink?! hound dog puppy that insisted on jumping up on the bed. Sometimes my sleeping mind is just peculiar... I keep looking round all day today for Wellington, though I know he is safely back with his people, my everyday mind had become accustomed to him.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
-yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
-recycle bin
3 dress for Kenya
- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - apparently the new cleaner for my Aged Parents was successful in cleaning their apartment, and when I spoke to Dad, he said it would continue "for a while". Fingers crossed that this will work out...

Time of Isolation - Day 782

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