Friday, May 27, 2022

adrift and untethered

in which our plucky heroine sees herself and her siblings as three small balloons, drifting away into the sky...


Before I left for the east there was lots of enameling and setting of medallions, as I was working like mad to get everything completed and sent off to the various patrons. I did it, but I didn't remember to take photos. The important thing is that everyone should have their regalia in hand prior to the events when it was needed. That I accomplished.

time in the tinyworld:
this beautiful print (by #srmprints) hangs on the wall here to remind myself of this, particularly when I see such amazing artistry here on Instagram, and on the web. There is no one true way to do things, and there is no one true way to enjoy the tinyworld. Some people create in ways that photograph indistinguishable from the larger world, some create in ways that are whimsical and obviously handmade, some acquire lovely artist made miniatures, some create using recycled materials from around the house, some include dolls, some include animals, and all of these various ways are all good, if they bring the maker joy... I know when I first started returning to the tinyworld, after decades away, I was a little fearful of the response of friends and family... would they think I had lost my marbles? Instead, I found that folks really enjoyed my posts about Nandina's world, and the adventures of Almandine, and encouraged me to continue sharing. One never knows where you can make a difference and brighten somebody's day!

The last two weeks were right up there with my cancer journey in terms of woeful stress. We siblings managed to remain speaking to one another and in basic agreement about what needed/needs done. I didn't take any photos when I was away, I didn't bring any handwork projects to take with me (that was a mistake, handwork keeps me more functional) We buried my dad. We found a good place for mom to live, that is 2 miles from my brother's house, so she can have daily visits. We found her a live-in caregiver.   Having the SI joint in my back become super crankypants for days (because horrible airplane trip of many hours) was less than ideal, to put it mildly. Sleeping on the couch for a week is better suited to the young and limber. I still really dislike television. Three optical migraines in one day was unpleasant, but fortunately I recognised what was happening, as the visual distortion would otherwise be terrifying. Previous optical migraine was at least 25 or more years ago.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
small linen pillowcases
yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
sunflower enamel set
recycle bin
3 dress for Kenya
- yard waste bin
4 two small Laurels
- recycle bin
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - The new place for mom is more like a college dorm for elders, with multiple activities and programs every day. I think that she will have a better life there than even I could manage to provide for her here, were there a way to get her here, which there is not. I am very grateful that there is this better option for her care, far better than places I have worked in or visited in the past.

Time of Isolation - Day 802

Friday, May 13, 2022

painted black

in which our plucky heroine is heartbroken...

This morning I was awakened by the phone call you never want to get. Dad fell yesterday and the paramedics couldn't revive him. Neighbor lady went to check on Mom, seeing her apartment door still open this morning and phoned me. My siblings and I are sorting out what to do next. I think I am a little bit in shock. My dad was 90, and my parents were married for over 68 years. which is more than many are given...

Am grateful that we have modern communication that lets us stay in contact. Have spent the day doing what I can to get various ducks in a row as far as settling my personal work and volunteer commitments that are due in the near future. My mom is now at my brother's house, thankfully not alone (she was alone for hours overnight after my dad was transported to hospital). Despite her cognition issues, she does understand what has happened, and that we will make sure that she is okay; my dad was her sole caregiver...

(my parents, years ago, in better times)

today's gratitude - I have the best family and the best friends...

Time of Isolation - Day 788

Thursday, May 12, 2022

it's a stretch

in which our plucky heroine goes to great lengths ...

I went to the art store to get a pad of Bristol board for the new scroll project, since all I have is  9 x 12, and this needed to be bigger. Supply chain going to bite you in the pocketbook again, the only larger size they had is 19 x 24! I could barely hold the pad under my arm (tiny lil dinosaur arms) on the walk home, hanging on with my fingertips!! and it is (more than) a little bit bigger in both dimension and cost than what I had planned on...

I'm rather pleased that my sunflower pendant auction has garnered attention and bids since being posted online (now up to $200!), and that seems a reasonably sized donation to be heading to World Central Kitchen. Making art for a change!!

~ creativity challenge ~
Not miniature, but I'm finally painting the decorative trim for the bathroom here at Acorn Cottage. the upper piece is the sample finish, and the lower pieces (both actually 4ft long and still in need of several more layers of painted finishing) will be cut to fit around the sink area... This project has been on hold for months and months, and will be wonderful to finally see some results, once it is warm enough to leave windows open (the glue to hold the trim to the walls is very strongly odiferous)

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
small linen pillowcases
yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
sunflower enamel set
recycle bin
3 dress for Kenya
- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - heartfelt conversations happen at the most unexpected times.

Time of Isolation - Day 787

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tuesday tidbits

in which our plucky heroine keeps busy...

today consisted mostly of prep work for the next batch of regalia, so I spent hours bending wires into little tiny Laurel leaves, to make cloisonne medallions that will be 1" in diameter, and a pair of one-wire Laurel branches for a larger pendant... I also was able to get out and about enough to do a few well distanced errands.  

~ creativity challenge ~
In March I began this enamel, as a way to raise funds for humanitarian aid for Ukraine, and finally had the time to create a setting for it. While I am not seeing as much in the news, there is enough to make it clear that help is still useful. I am going to auction this pendant off over the next weeks, starting now, in support of World Central Kitchen, which is involved in humanitarian food aid for Ukrainian refugees and around the world.

time in the tinyworld:
In the post today was one of the little treats I sometimes allow myself. I ordered two French fèves from an online seller, and the detail on the porcelain miniatures is truly impressive. Now I've a wee blue and white checkered flower vase, not quite an inch tall, and hollow, so if desired I can pick tiny flowers to put on the mantelpiece in Caer Cardboard.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
small linen pillowcases
yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
sunflower enamel set
recycle bin
3 dress for Kenya
- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - My legs work. I can walk pretty far, and climb stairs, and only huff and puff a little bit. The more I use them, within reason, the better condition I will be in.

Time of Isolation - Day 785

Monday, May 9, 2022

Monday miscellany

in which our plucky heroine enjoys small beauties...

A spectacular visual treat, this afternoon when I went to take out the compost... maybe half a dozen male Western Tanagers were hanging out in my backyard up in the walnut tree between my yard and the bad neighbors yard. I had to look the birds up online, as at first I thought goldfinch, but they had vivid red heads!

(Western Tanager - photo by Peter Pearsall/USFWS)

time in the tinyworld:
Only tinyworld activity currently happening is some clothing being made for Kenya, who seems to be rather mad for purple. I wonder if I need to make her a red hat?. Other than that, I have been enjoying window shopping online and getting ideas about how to decorate Caer Cardboard. Maybe wainscotting downstairs in the library, and the upstairs will probably be a sewing and crafts room, maybe with a daybed, or a bedroom for at least two denizens? (I don't think any of the rooms in either house are big enough for three beds, though I need to check the size of the spaces in the Aster Cottage kit ) The downstairs in Aster Cottage is definitely going to be the kitchen/workshop space. Food for thought...

A song of hope... never not needed, never not helpful...


~ creativity challenge ~
I've been wishing for some small pillowcases for my buckwheat hull pillows, but lacking any decent flannel on my resource shelves. This weekend it occurred to me that there were four linen tea towels that with a bit of time under the presser foot, could become just the pillowcases I was needing. Use what you have is my theme.

I was able to locate some of my preferred heavy interfacing  (Peltex) to use for stiffening hat brims. Since lacking this is what was keeping me from making a new hat, I guess I am good to go, or at least good for experimentation. I have never been totally happy with the crown shape of the Norwester pattern, and hope to come up with something just a tad more vertical, which means creating an entirely different crown pattern. Long ago I had a hat pattern I really liked, with a more vertical bias crown, but it had been lost long before I moved to Acorn Cottage, and I have no memory of the pattern name, which was from some independent patternmaker I have never seen since.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
small linen pillowcases
yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
-recycle bin
3 dress for Kenya
- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - Yesterday, a zoom call with my Mud Bay friends. (things continue to deteriorate with my Aged Parents, so a chance to see dearheart friends I sorely miss, and feel less isolated did make a big difference in my state of mind. Even though I almost burst into tears more than once)

Time of Isolation - Day 784

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Saturday snippets

in which our plucky heroine gets a surprise...

So there was a Royal Ethereal Court this morning, and I was honored to receive a Goutte de Sang. For those not in the SCA, that is a kingdom level award given in An Tir, for (in my case) recognition of my volunteer efforts in the scribal community. I was quite surprised. It has made me really happy for the last several years to have figured out something I enjoy doing that is also of service to the group. I've gotten so much pleasure for so long from being involved, it feels really good to be able to share and give back some of that joy to other folks...

time in the tinyworld:
The new Irish sheep (with spectacular horns) meets the current ovine resident of my tinyworld... I figured that having them meet outside, in the gentle light of evening was the best plan. While the new sheep arrived yesterday, a gift from my friends who vacationed in Ireland, my other sheep was needlefelted back in 2010 as part of my entry in an online challenge. I guess my tiny friends are doing a bit of urban farming, since they already have a rabbit hutch, and now two sheep! Good thing that Tansu Terrace does not have restrictive zoning...

I woke up way too early this morning, like maybe 5 o'clock, and when I fell back asleep, had an odd dream that Bill came visiting, with a new studio helper who looked like Suzanna but wasn't and instead of beloved Toshi, had a pink?! hound dog puppy that insisted on jumping up on the bed. Sometimes my sleeping mind is just peculiar... I keep looking round all day today for Wellington, though I know he is safely back with his people, my everyday mind had become accustomed to him.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
-yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
-recycle bin
3 dress for Kenya
- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - apparently the new cleaner for my Aged Parents was successful in cleaning their apartment, and when I spoke to Dad, he said it would continue "for a while". Fingers crossed that this will work out...

Time of Isolation - Day 782

Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday fragments

in which our plucky heroine has a productive day...

Studiotime has been going rather well, and today I completed one of the four major regalia commissions currently in my queue. Of course, the other ones are clamoring at me to not be ignored, but this one was due the earliest, so I am glad it is ready. I'm also now able to get back to work creating a setting for the Ukraine enamel pendant that has been languishing on my workbench for the last week or so.

time in the tinyworld:
There is no reason not to continue to add more books to the Caer Cardboard library collection, even though the room itself is nowhere near finished. I'll need at least twice this many books to fill the shelves. I'm starting to think about room colors, and particularly I want to paint the bookcases, as black seems pretty stark and doesn't really set off the books well. Maybe a duck egg blue? I want to see if the library here has the book about Charleston House which style I have always found incredibly inspiring, and wish I had been able to visit the one time I was in Britain

Though there was a break in the rain a few days ago, it has come roaring back. I cannot really say I feel sad about that as rain may help against drought. In the gaps between, when I have gone out walking, there are yellow rings of pollen at the edges of all the puddles. I am grateful that for some unknown reason my allergies are less ferocious this year.

Whew! the replacement for my missing ballot arrived today, in plenty of time to read up about the various candidates and issues before voting later this month.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 lilac top for Kenya
-yard waste bin
2 setting for Laurel
-recycle bin
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - Wellington's people, back home from their vacation in Ireland, brought me back a miniature sheep for my tinyworld! And also a beautiful twill handwoven wool scarf, which will add a colorful warmth to my outerwear...

Time of Isolation - Day 781

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

wishful Wednesday

in which our plucky heroine attempts to look forward...

So I thought quite a lot about a conversation I had Monday night, about how failing to imagine a brighter possible future leads to failing to find the turnings in the path that lead there... which in truth I do know, but the logy stodge of isolation has covered with dust.

For many years of my life my fingernails dug in, grasping my hope that the someday would be better than the now (although with hindsight, I keep finding bits of the past that shine like jewels) and then finally my life did become better, though not in how I wished it to be, but nevertheless so much so that I noticed and was Thankful Every Day for the good life I had.

My thought, on wakening from troubled sleep, that I could experiment with listing and looking for what would be good to have happen when there might be places again, to water the sere roots that perhaps hope may grow again...

beauty in the time of isolation:
There are pink dogwood trees blooming all over the neighborhood, many with this light pink, a few with a darker cerise color, and here and there a few of the white dogwood that graced the wooded hillsides where Charlotte and I rode horseback in the New England springtime decades ago...

In the tinyworld, one of the pickup projects I've begun planning is to make some clothing especially for Kenya. Tiny Rag Doll Nation has called for a  "Mix-and-Match May"capsule wardrobe challenge. I think I will be doing something similar for Kenya. I have some batik fabric, and even a few scraps of the tiedye jersey from a top I sewed for myself last year… I am pulling together an assortment of materials in the teal/purple/red family, as that will allow me to also mix and match with some of the clothing I have already made. I rather want to knit her a poncho, or a shawl, and realised that while I do not have any lilac/violet color yarn, it will be easy to dye some of the off white cone yarn I have. Vinegar and paste food color has worked well for me in the past, when I needed some bright orange yarn!

I'm not sure what is going on with my environmental awareness. Nowadays, when I walk in the neighborhood, along the sidewalks on the busy streets traffic seem almost unbearably noisy to me, the car and truck sounds are so loud. I have lived in the world with nearby automobiles most all of my life, so by now their sounds should be customary, and it isn't my hearing becoming more acute, as I have not noticed a difference when I am indoors.

May SMART goals (x=extra)
1 - --
2 ---
3 -- -
4 - - -
5 -- -
6 x x -
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - well that was a pleasant surprise. Ann Wood featured my photo of my three tiny friends as one of the pages in her Instagram story for today, and she pasted hearts on the edge 'cos she liked it! (she also commented on the photo on my page)

Time of Isolation - Day 779