Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tuesday tidbits

in which our plucky heroine had a very slightly better day...

Started on preserving fruit from the freezer in shelf stable jars for the pantry instead. My goal is to free up space so I can order a half lamb or a whole lamb. I found two large bags of rhubarb pieces, so strawberry rhubarb sauce is the first up.  (blueberries will be next, and then plums)Two pounds of organic strawberries from the co-op were chopped and added, but since they weren't really all that ripe, I also added in a cup of cranberries to help make the color more red and less khaki. The cranberries add a bit of extra pectin as well. Five and a half pints, plus a little extra. It makes a great yogurt topping, and it would also be delightful in the middle of shortbread, like I made on Saturday...


beauty in the time of isolation - day 80:
wasn't quite sure if this was in honor of Pride Month, or as part of the "kids find rainbows" challenge, or just random neighborhood artistry. Still, it made me smile on a day when there is very little indeed to smile about.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 5½ pints rhubarb sauce xrotten beams
2 20 masks for Tulliax-
3 xx -
4 x x -
5 xx -
6 x x
7 x x -
8 x x x
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - a day without curfew, and afternoon where I can rest, and an evening when I can walk outdoors (though for safety sake I only paced back and forth up and down my own street, as it was full dark before I managed to get outside)

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