Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tuesday tidbits

in which our plucky heroine feels slightly less like an imposter...

Eugene rinse cycle has occurred twice in the last week. Our weather this summer has been mighty odd. Much more humid than usual, and occasional summer thunderstorms?!, and several times where we have had unseasonal rain. Not that I am complaining mind... I hate summer sunshine and love cool grey days. Two times recently I put laundry out on the line to dry, and was surprised by rain, which gave it extra rinse before finally drying... The percale bedsheets smell heavenly!

right pleased with the completed bodice eyelets for Maeva's German underdress. Eyelets are offset to facilitate spiral lacing...

I've been working on a new set of additional charters for this reign, based (as were the first three I did earlier) on the Seuso Hunting Platter, a Roman era Hungarian artifact.

For this set, I decided to use a vertical format with a line of decoration at the top, and a larger motif near the bottom, where the Kingdom seal will be placed. This allows the text to be all in a block, in the upper center, with room for the signatures as well.  As always, my hope is for the charters I design to be easy to paint, yet with enough options for added scribal embellishment. So far the feedback I have been receiving indicates that I am successful; the one I painted myself certainly was fun to do!
sketching border motifs... it has been difficult to find images online of the border of the Seuso Hunting platter, and the few I have found are not very clear. Sad, because the small motifs have a lot of charm.

Lion's Cub charter master

Leo Minor charter master

Lion's Mane charter master

August SMART goals (x=extra)
1 undergown bodice popover pocketsplant stand
2 Lion's cub masterxbag to Goodwill
3 Leo Minor masterx bag to Goodwill
4 Lion's Mane master
x -
5 xx -
6 x x
7 x x
8 x x -
9 x
x -
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - Marya kindly gives me rides to places like Paint Night last night, and local Laurels meetings, and events


  1. I am endlessly fascinated by the endearing little creatures and figures you pull from antiquity to create your small masterpieces.

    Dust storms are the main weather occurrence here, and although sheets would dry in an instant if hung outside, they would be brown and gritty when brought back in. We haven't had any rain to speak of yet this summer, although we remain somewhat hopeful.

    1. oh gosh! I would be very sad if I couldn't hang laundry outside at least for part of the year. Usually our summers are Very Dry indeed, though people think of this area as being all rain all the time, our climate is actually "Mediterranean", so normally damp in the winter, but dry and sunny in the summer. I will wish you some soft gentle rain...

      I have a lot of fun browsing online to find medieval and earlier period manuscripts and artifacts to act as inspiration!


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