Monday, April 30, 2018

looking up

in which our plucky heroine is enjoying signs of spring...

dogwood blossoms against a springtime sky

My student Tullia, a friend and fellow historic re-enactor (though she does Roman, and I mostly do Viking Age) is only a beginner at metalwork, but is diving into it with her usual enthusiasm. She decided that she wanted to make the wedding rings, in a Roman style, for her marriage later in May. The larger one (for Caius) is sterling silver, and the smaller one (for Tullia) is 18k gold. Although these look simple, it is in fact not simple to get the knotwork symmetrical, and the pieces soldered together cleanly. And, working with gold is not perzaktly like working with silver, and she and I both did research to make sure to get it right the first time, as I have only ever once had a chance to work with gold, so my own experience is very limited.

She did good!

April SMART goals (x=extra)
1 celtic enamel pelican bathrobe shouldersbag to Goodwill
2 trapunto knotwork taxes donebag to Goodwill
3 pliers rackapple tree pruned spare lawn mower
4 charter #7 tunes moved old hose and reel
5 xAesa clothes mended galvanised pots
6 x torch holder x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x
x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x


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