When it comes to beauty, I am not a loyal person - there I said it! Be it products or brands, doesn't matter, if I was in their army I would end of deserting and running over enemy lines to the other side! There always seems to be something, newer, better or shinier coming up over the horizon and I just must try it. On very rare occasions though, I will stumble across something that actually is as wonderful as all of the marketing and advertising has made it out to be. Having said this you will know that when I love a product, it is because it is ass-kickingly, can't-live-without-it-or-my-world-will-stop-turning-without-it good. No, not even good, GREAT! So sit back, relax and enjoy taking a walk on my extremely tiny loyal side...

Smashbox Brow Tech - You might recall me discussing this during my
RapidLash review. Basically it is a powder brow colour on one side and a wax on the other. I guess the wax is to keep your brows in place but it's useless to me so I wish they would make this without the wax as I just end up throwing that part out. As far as the powder goes it's amazing! Fine and perfectly pigmented. I use the auburn so not only does it fill in my sparse brows, it colour matches my brows to my haircolour!
Next on the hit parade,
Urban Decay Shadow Primer Potion. For those in the know, this is way old news, but for you newbies out there, this stuff is magic! If anything belongs in a genie shaped bottle, this is it! Just don't make the rookie mistake of using too much, just a tiny dab on each eyelid and smooth it out with your finger. That's all it takes! My complaint is the packaging. Although I really do love the bottle and think it's adorable, the design makes it impossible to get at all of the product so you think you are finished when really it is only half empty. There are two things to do, when the applicator first starts to come up empty, take the stopper out, it will give you access to lots more product. Next time it seems empty, just cut the sucker in half and transfer the product into a small container - you'll be good to go for months yet! Luckily the primer itself is wonderful enough to make up for the packaging defect.

Next up is
Lip Fusion XL. This is more of a treatment then an actual plumper although it is supposed to also have plumping effects. Whatever it is supposed to do, it does exactly what I was hoping for which was to get rid of the tiny vertical lines in my lips. It is also surprisingly moisturizing. With other lip treatments I would wake up in the morning with dry peeling skin on my lips but this has never happened with Lip Fusion, it keeps my lips soft and moist. I don't know if they are any fuller, they weren't skinny to begin with so I haven't really noticed but I suppose it would make sense that they are plumped up and that is what had gotten rid of the lines. Who cares? It rocks!

Next we have -
NeoStrata blemish spot gel. As luck would have it, I sailed through my teen years without a pimple to be seen. Now that I don't have the excuse of teenaged skin - pimples make regular visits. When they do come a calling, a combo of my
Tanda and this amazing spot gel stops them dead in their tracks. When I feel one start to come up, I use my Tanda for 3 minutes and apply the gel overnight - by the morning, if the pimple comes up at all it is tiny and hardly red. I do the same thing again the second night and by day 3 the pimple is toast. Even before I had my Tanda, this gel does a fab job by itself, it would still dry up and de-red the pimple overnight.

Which brings us last, but certainly not least to
Revlon colorstay concealer, the most wonderful concealer ever, ever, ever - and I just discovered it is no longer in the stores. Where did it go? Revlon, why hast thou forsaken me? Should you be so lucky as to live someplace (Utopia?) where said concealer still exists, do yourself a favour and pick it up! It didn't come in many colours, but as luck would have it, they had the perfect colour for me. It was just thick enough to conceal, but not so thick as to cake up. And when it set, it stayed. The only catch to that was once you dabbed it on, you had to blend it fairly quick or the blob on your face was there to stay. If anyone is familiar with this concealer and can recommend a comparable substitute, I'm all ears!
- Lisamarie -