This Old Spice man keeps on getting better and better: he can ride, swim, cook, buy there anything he can't do? Ladies, enjoy this latest Old Spice commercial which debuted a few days ago in Canada...
More of the same: Here is another hilarious Old Spice commercial! This commercial first aired a few months ago but for some reason is back on TV...and it's still funny.
Every time I watch this commercial for Old Spice, I laugh. It's ridiculous and I love it. Now the question is: does it smell any good? And does it make your man hot like that?
Lisamarie - the happiest day of my life was the day Sephora opened it's first store in Canada (thankfully in Toronto), second happiest day was before this when Sephora finally started shipping to Canada, third I guess would be my wedding day (but don't tell my husband where he ranks please!)
*** Christelle - I enjoy shoe shopping and drinking martinis...preferably at the same time!