Christina Ricci, Bjork, Ciara, Liv Tyler, Courtney Love and a bunch of Z listed celebrities attended 'The Artist is Present' exhibition closing party at New
York’s Museum of Modern Art last night... and while most ladies looked great, Christina Ricci felt compelled to wear a dress with an undercleavage...ha! And what is she wearing on top of that lace top? Is it a new age bolero? A scarf? A hat? I just don't know. I'm so confused because this is how I would dress in the dark. If I were super duper drunk.
Bjork was her usual excentric self. I love her and all of her 100 yards of gold lame dress. Take this lady Gaga! My favorite icelandic singer (well I only know one, really) doesn't need an army of stylists to come up with this type of look. She's a natural.
This model didn't dress in the dark...she just forgot to dress!
I've finally found the new Donna Karan commercial starring actress Christina Ricci and directed by Sting's son, Jake Sumner, called "Four Play". Only a man (or myself) could come up with a title like that. Anyway, Sumner's idea was to create a commercial that looks more like a movie than a traditional advertisement campaign. Chanel started the trend with the epic Chanel N.5 commercial, starring Nicole Kidman, a few years ago; but now, it's so subtle, you're left wondering: what the heck are they trying to sell ? The right answer is: Donna Karan Eldridge bag...yeah I didn't see that one coming either. This commercial is not exactly earth shattering but it has a cool vibe and Christina Ricci does look fab. Never mind the DK bag, I want whatever she's wearing!
Lisamarie - the happiest day of my life was the day Sephora opened it's first store in Canada (thankfully in Toronto), second happiest day was before this when Sephora finally started shipping to Canada, third I guess would be my wedding day (but don't tell my husband where he ranks please!)
*** Christelle - I enjoy shoe shopping and drinking martinis...preferably at the same time!