Worth winning? You betcha! This contest is open to Canadian and United States residents. All you have to do is join Beauty Crazed as a follower if you aren't one already. You can either do it through Google or through Networked Blogs on Facebook - you can find both signups on the right hand side of the Beauty Crazed site. Once you belong to our crazy family just leave a reply to this post letting us know you want in and who you would be batting your lashes at. If you give the contest link a tweet and/or post it on your blog, there's an extra entry in it for you! Another extra entry can be had for adding Lash Royalty on Twitter - you can find them here and/or signing up for their e-mail list - here. Including an e-mail address would be extra helpful and you can write it like this - info(at)beautycrazed(dot)ca - so the bots can't find you but we can. If you prefer not to leave your info on a public post, please leave a post saying you want to enter and then e-mail us your info - info@beautycrazed.ca, please put "Lash Royalty Contest" in the subject line. Winners to be decided by random drawing and you have until July 25th to enter.
- Lisamarie -