In seara trecuta a nins la un moment dat cu fulgi mici... Pe acoperisuri si masini se vad straie de zapada timida.. Timida pentru ca erau fulgii mici, nu din alt motiv. Ma intreb daca maine vor mai fi acolo, sau se vor topi. Mi se pare destul de frig.
In casa e liniste si profit ca sa termin si public articolul pe care il pregatisem pentru ieri. In timp ce scriam insa mi-am amintit de piesa aceasta si cum nu imi dadea pace [ tananam tananam ] m-am gandit sa ii fac loc in martea aceasta pe blog.
via youtube
Abba este (daca nu ma insel) chiar prima formatie care incepe cu A care mi-a placut. Am o "colectie de suflet" de A-uri. Iar piesa asta nu a iesit chiar degeaba azi pe portativ. Nimic nu e degeaba. Eu vorbesc de multe ori prin muzica, sau muzica pentru mine... chiar si atunci cand versurile par a nu avea o legatura, sau sunt in limbi "mai straine" de felul lor. Si ca sa citez tot din Abba: "I let the music speak". Dar piesa aceea alta data.
"You're so free," that's what everybody's telling me
Yet I feel I'm like an outward-bound, pushed around, refugee
Something's wrong, got a feeling that I don't belong
As if I had come from outer space, out of place, like King Kong
I'm a marionette, just a marionette, pull the string
I'm a marionette, everybody's pet, just as long as I sing
I'm a marionette, see my pirouette, round and round
I'm a marionette, I'm a marionette, just a silly old clown
Like a doll, like a puppet with no will at all
And somebody told me how to talk, how to walk, how to fall
Can't complain, I've got no-one but myself to blame
Something's happening I can't control, lost my hold, is it safe?
I'm a marionette, just a marionette, pull the string
I'm a marionette, everybody's pet, just as long as I sing
I'm a marionette, see my pirouette, round and round
I'm a marionette, I'm a marionette, just a silly old clown
"Look this way, just a little smile," is what they say
"You look better on the photograph if you laugh, that's okay"
I'm a marionette, just a marionette, pull the string
I'm a marionette, everybody's pet, just as long as I sing
I'm a marionette, see my pirouette, round and round
I'm a marionette, I'm a marionette, just a silly old clown
"You're so free," that's what everybody's telling me
Yet I feel I'm like an outward-bound, pushed around, refugee